One of the main new features of Overlord RTGov 2.0 will be a new UI to replace the gadget server used in RTGov 1.0. Although (if developed further) the gadget server could provide some flexibility, it didn't provide the appropriate style for navigating between connected information. Therefore a new UI has been built to provide something more appropriate to the task.
This new UI will be released as part of the RTGov 2.0 community release, and also within FSW 6.1. However for those users wishing to try out the new UI on the FSW 6.0 platform, here are some instructions:
- Obtain the artifacts to deploy. There will be two new war files to be deployed, one provides the new UI, and another is used to store response time information in an Elasticsearch server. These two war files need to be copied into the standalone/deployments folder of a FSW6.0 environment that has been preconfigured to include RTGov Server:
- If building from source (Governance/rtgov · GitHub) using the 'fsw60' maven profile, then these wars can be found here:
- ${rtgov}/ui/overlord-rtgov-ui-fsw60/target/overlord-rtgov-ui.war
- ${rtgov}/backend/overlord-rtgov-fsw60/target/overlord-rtgov-fsw60.war
- If wanting binaries, then these can be obtained from Sonatype Nexus Professional
<artifactId>overlord-rtgov-ui-fsw60</artifactId>- EPN for reporting response times to Elasticsearch
- If building from source (Governance/rtgov · GitHub) using the 'fsw60' maven profile, then these wars can be found here:
For RTGov 2.0.0.Beta3 and higher:
- Elasticsearch server no longer needs to be downloaded/started, as RTGov 2.0.0.Beta3 and above is configured to use an embedded server by default
- Add the following configuration properties to the FSW 6.0 standalone/configuration/ file:
# Elasticsearch configuration
- Add the attached file to the FSW 6.0 standalone/configuration folder
For RTGov 2.0.0.Beta1:
- Add the following configuration properties to the FSW 6.0 standalone/configuration/ file:
- Download Elasticsearch (version 1.1.1) from
- Make sure the Elasticsearch server is running before starting the FSW 6.0 server, as the newly deployed Event Processor Network (EPN) will try to make a connection to it.
Once these changes have been made, then start the FSW 6.0 server. The new UI can be found at: http://localhost:8080/rtgov-ui
NOTE: The new UI is still in community development and will not be supported as part of a FSW subscription.