Version 3

    20. ledna 2016: Huge code bases - Taming the beasts


    Czech JBoss User Group gladly invites you to a JBUG session in Brno, taking place on Wednesday January 20th, 2016 in premises of Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University room A318 (new building) at 18:00.

    Czech JBoss User Group Vás srdečně zve na setkání JBUG v Brně, které se koná ve středu 20. ledna 2016 v prostorách Fakulty Informatiky Masarykovy Univerzity v místnosti A318 (nová část budovy) od 18:00.


    Have you heard your colleagues discussing for weeks why your product is so slow? Did everyone have different components under suspicion? Did you sit in front of a project consisting of tens of thousands of lines of code and tried to pin down the bottlenecks? Did you ever check how many commits you have in your project which fix NullPointerExceptions?

    In this talk we will have a closer look on the pretty big oVirt codebase. With Hystrix by Netflix we will first hunt down bottle necks and architectural problems. Then we will use Hystrix, Archaius and simple defensive programming principles to improve the resiliency and performance of oVirt with almost no effort.


    Presenter: Roman Mohr



    You can use hashtag #jbugcz

    Můžete použít hashtag #jbugcz


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