Version 2

    In addition to supporting the ServiceLoader extension mechanism to load command handlers coming from outside of the CLI codebase, starting from wildfly-core-1.0.0.Beta1 release the CLI running in a modular classloading environment can be extended with commands exposed in server extension modules. The CLI will look for and register extension commands when it (re-)connects to the controller by iterating through the registered by that time extensions and using the ServiceLoader mechanism on the extension modules. (Note, that this mechanism will work only for extensions available in the server installation the CLI is launched from.)


    Here is an example of a simple command handler and its integration.


    public class ExtCommandHandler extends {
        public static final String NAME = "ext-command";
        public static final String OUTPUT = "hello world!";
        public CliExtCommandHandler() {  
            super(NAME, false); 
        protected void doHandle(CommandContext ctx) throws CommandLineException { 


    In this case, the command will simply print a message to the terminal. The next step is to implement the CLI CommandHandlerProvider interface.


    public class ExtCommandHandlerProvider implements {
        public CommandHandler createCommandHandler(CommandContext ctx) { 
            return new ExtCommandHandler(); 
         * Whether the command should be available in tab-completion.
        public boolean isTabComplete() { 
            return true;
         * Command name(s).
        public String[] getNames() { 
            return new String[]{ExtCommandHandler.NAME};


    The final step is to include META-INF/services/ entry into the JAR file containing the classes above with value