Version 1

    Tutorial 1: Basic(Install/Debug)

    Getting Started


    Java JDK

    Download and install the latest java JDK version from Oracle. In windows environment you have to create an new environment variable for the system.
    Steps for Windows 8.1
    1. Right click on
    My PC
    2. Go to
    3. Go to
    Advance System settings
    4. Go to
    Enviroment Variables
    5. Under the
    System Variables choose New...
    6. Name the variable as `JAVA_HOME'
    7. Assign the path directory to Java JDK as variable value

    In Linux OS, you have to remove any openJDK and install the Oracle
    Removal of openJDK in Linux Mint 17.3
    sudo apt-get update && apt-get remove openjdk*
    2. Locate the Java JDK compressed file (e.g. Downloads folder)
    cd ~/Downloads
    4. Extract the tar file
    tar -zxvf jdk-"put the correct version here"
    5. Create a folder for Java
    sudo mkdir -p /opt/java
    6. Move the extracted files in the java folder
    sudo mv jdk1."put the correct version" /opt/java
    7. Make JDK as default

    1. sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/opt/java/jdk1."put correct version"/bin/java" 1
    2. sudo update-alternatives --set java /opt/java/jdk1."put correct version"/bin/java

    Apache Maven

    Linux Terminal
    sudo apt-get install maven
    2. Check the version of maven
    mvn -version

    Windows 8.1

    • Downlaoad maven
    • Unzip in the destination directory
    • Create two enviroment variables M2_HOME and MAVEN_HOME
      • Right click on My PC
      • Go to Properties
      • Go to Advance System settings
      • Go to Enviroment Variables
      • Under the System Variables choose New...
      • Name the variables as M2_HOME and MAVEN_HOME
      • Assign the path directory to maven directory as variable value
    • Update the path variable by adding %M2_HOME%\bin
    • Check maven version in command prompt mvn –version

    Install Wildfly Server 

    First you have to download the latest version of Wildfly in your machine. Then decide where the wildfly would be located, and extract the compressed files in there. After the extraction is completed, inside the \bin directory of wildfly, execute the following command for standalone server:

    For windows: .\standalone.bat

    For Linux: ./

    This command will check the java version of your system and will initiate an instance of the process. (If you faced some errors in this phase, check your java JDK version.) After the initiation of the server in your machine, you have to add a new admin user in order to exploit all the functionalities of the server.

    For windows: .\add-user.bat

    For Linux: ./

    Follow the instructions in the terminal/command prompt and create the admin role for the server. You can access the admin user interface in http://localhost:9990/console/, here you can enable/disable any of the modules presented previously as well as functionality from the core. For more insight about debugging the wildfly server go here

    Upgrade Wildfly Server

    If you have a previous version of Wildfly in you machine, it is recommended to update to the latest version. The reason is simple, the newest version contains bug fixes from the previous ones and also may contain several additional features which will make your application even more efficient. Unfortunately, there is not any automated way to upgrade WildFly to the latest version. The process on upgrading is the following:

    1. Save any datasource (MySql,Postgress etc)
    2. Save any configuration file
    3. Follow the instructions for the the previous section Wildfly Server
    4. Deploy your applications

    You can use patches to your current version by:
    1. Navigate to admin panel patching (http://localhost:9990/console/App.html#patching)
    2. Download the patch file
    3. Apply the patch file
    4. Restart the server

    Debug Wildfy Modules

    The Wildlfy project is divided in two main repositories the wildfly-core and wildfly. The core project contains the main functionalities of the product like the server itself, security systems, etc. The wildfly project, contains all the other functionalities that make the wildfly product more appealing than other similar products. Although, there is a significant amount of documentation about debugging the wildfly-server (core), we find only some documentation to assess and debug the modules of wildfly.

    1. Clone the repository in your machine from github.
    git clone
    2. In the project parent directory build the project
    build.bat clean install in Windows
    2. clean install in Linux
    3. Make changes
    4. Test your code
    ./ install -DallTests in Linux
    ./build.bat install -DallTests in Windows