Version 5


    Wise's GUI is a dynamic, 4 screen wizard.  It walks the user through a three step process of invoking a deployed webservice endpoint without the need of generating and compiling client stubs or directly writing SOAP xml messages.


    1. Wizard Screens
      1. Authentication Dialog
      2. Home page
      3. Step 1 of 3: Select an Endpoint
      4. Step 2 of 3:  Enter Input Parameter Data
        1. Simple Data Type Input Arguments
        2. The Checkbox
        3. Preview Message Panel
        4. Run the service endpoint on another server Panel
        5. List Input Arguments
          1. Add Button
          2. Remove Button
        6. Map Input Arguments
        7. Complex Object List Input Arguments
        8. Unknown Input Arguments
        9. Endpoint Authentication
        10. WSDL Authentication
      5. Step 3 of 3:  View Result Data
        1. View Message
        2. SOAP Error Reporting




    1. Wizard Screens


    1. Authentication Dialog

    The user may encounter an authentication dialog.  The credentials are the application server's admin console credentials.

    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 15-55-45.png




    2. Home page


    The home page is the starting point.  On this page type the URL of the wsdl contract you want to be consume.  Click the "Read WSDL" button.


    figure 1

    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-05-26.png

    Here is an example wsdl URL.  The referenced webservice can be on a remote system.  Just provide the appropriate URL.


    figure 2

    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-06-43.png

    3. Step 1 of 3: Select an Endpoint


    In step 1 the wizard displays all the endpoint signatures it found in the WSDL.  A single endpoint can be selected and processed at a time.  The user can not proceed to the next step until one of the endpoints is selected.


    figure 1

    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-11-20.png

    Clicking one of the endpoint signatures will highlight the line and enable the Next button.

    figure 2

    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-12-09.png


    4. Step 2 of 3:  Enter Input Parameter Data


    In step 2 the wizard introspects each input parameter data type of the selected endpoint and prompts the user for values.  The wizard handles simple data types such as String, int, float, double and collection types, List and Map.  The wizard makes a best effort to handle user defined data objects, for example in figure 2.


    Most data objects can be designated as Nillable.  A checkbox is provided next to each nillable data object.  A checked checkbox designates the value provided in the corresponding field will be transmitted.  When the field is empty (e.g. blank) a empty data object will be transmitted.  An unchecked checkbox designates that the data object will be transmitted with the xsi:nil="true" attribute; any value provided in the input field will be ignored.


    1. Simple Data Type Input Arguments


    Here is an example of a single simple data type.


    figure 1

    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-15-12.png

    2. The Checkbox


    As soon the user enters data in the input field the checkbox will automatically be checked.  Uncheck the checkbox if you want the input value to be ignored and the xsi:nil=true to be sent.


    figure 2.1

    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-16-16.png

    3. Preview Message Panel


    The endpoint's raw SOAP message can be reviewed before transmission using the Preview Message link.  Select the Preview Message panel to view the raw SOAP message that will be transmitted.


    figure 3



    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-17-01.png

    4. Run the service endpoint on another server Panel


    The webservice may be running on a different server than the one designated by the URL on the wizard home page.  The user can designate a different server on which to execute the endpoint by selecting the, "Run the service endpoint on another server" panel, entering the alternate webservice URL and clicking the Next button.


    figure 4


    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-17-58.png

    5. List Input Arguments


    A list of data objects is supported by WISE UI.  An add and remove button is provided to add a new object and remove an object from the list.  (This endpoint exists in a different webservice than shown in the example above.)


    1. Add Button

    Each click of the add button will create a new data type input element (see figure 6).


    figure 5

    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-31-26.png

    2. Removed Button

    Each list item can be removed by clicking the remove button.


    figure 6

    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-32-22.png

    figure 7



    6. Map Input Arguments


    A map of data objects is supported by WISE UI.  Just as for lists an add and remove button is provided for adding and removing a map entry.  Each entry provides fields for a key/value pair.


    figure 8

    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-33-27.png





    7. Complex Object List Input Arguments


    Here is an example of a user defined complex data object.  The Customer object consists of simple data type fields and list elements.  The object can be populated with sample data by filling in the fields and adding or removing items with the corresponding buttons.


    figure 12

    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-34-59.png

    The image below shows a contactNumbers item being added to the list element.


    figure 13


    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-36-42.png

    8. Unknown Input Arguments


    Not all data types can be handled.  These items are flagged with an UNKNOWN message.


    figure 15

    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-37-45.png


    9. Endpoint Authentication

    An endpoint can be password protected.  When this is detected an authentication dialog is presented.  The user must have knowledge of the needed credentials to proceed.


    figure 16

    Screenshot from 2016-04-01 09-32-27.png


    10. WSDL Authentication

    A WSDL can be password protected.  When this is detected on the home page an authentication dialog is presented.  The user must have knowledge of the needed credentials to proceed.


    5. Step 3 of 3:  View Result Data


    figure 17

    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-45-01.png

    1. View Message

    The endpoint's returned raw SOAP message can be reviewed using the View

    Message link.  Select the View Message panel to view the raw SOAP message that was returned.



    figure 18

    Screenshot from 2016-03-31 16-45-34.png


    2. SOAP Error Reporting

    SOAP errors are reported on the results page.  The error may or may not be accompanied by an exception.

    Figure 19 shows how a SOAP fault is displayed and the corresponding raw SOAP message.


    figure 19

    Screenshot from 2016-04-01 10-20-40.png