Version 1

    13. dubna 2016: Graph Databases: The Real World Does Not Fit in Tables


    Czech JBoss User Group gladly invites you to a JBUG session in Brno, taking place on Wednesday April 13th, 2016 in premises of Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University room A318 (new building) at 18:00.

    Czech JBoss User Group Vás srdečně zve na setkání JBUG v Brně, které se koná ve středu 13. dubna 2016 v prostorách Fakulty Informatiky Masarykovy Univerzity v místnosti A318 (nová část budovy) od 18:00.


    The real-life problems sometimes span over many domain objects. Mapping them into a relational model is often cumbersome, especially when working with a modularized pluggable application. Graph database is one of possible reliefs of many problems of the RDBMS paradigm, while keeping the good features like distributed storage, high availability, or huge datasets.

    We will shortly introduce the basic concepts of graph databases, the most used query language Gremlin, and show how the Windup project used it to model tens to hundreds of different entities defined in plugins.


    Presenter: Ondřej Žižka



    You can use hashtag #jbugcz

    Můžete použít hashtag #jbugcz


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