Feature Request
- [TEIIDDES-2466] - Create Preview VDB for only the model containing the table that is being preview
- [TEIIDDES-2481] - Add support for recursive common table expressions
- [TEIIDDES-2712] - Support GET & POST methods together on REST procedures
- [TEIIDDES-2863] - Produce a release compatible with WildFly 9.0 (Teiid 9)
- [TEIIDDES-1810] - Support larger statistic values
- [TEIIDDES-2841] - Deprecate XML, XSD and XML Document metamodels
- [TEIIDDES-2152] - Adding source table with quoted name results in wrong generated SQL statement
- [TEIIDDES-2199] - Designer deletes materialization setting in transformation Editor
- [TEIIDDES-2545] - Importing REST service gives a string instead of a boolean to a procedural parameter
- [TEIIDDES-2684] - SalesForce importer issue
- [TEIIDDES-2722] - User Defined properties are exported in each model in Dynamic VDB
- [TEIIDDES-2765] - View model procedure_response created using SOAP import is missing information in XMLNAMESPACES()
- [TEIIDDES-2823] - "Generate Dynamic VDB" utility should use correct property names
- [TEIIDDES-2825] - After import DDL which contains GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE shows error
- [TEIIDDES-2826] - Missing message for the selection page
- [TEIIDDES-2827] - The error won't disappear after choose view model in the export teiid DDL
- [TEIIDDES-2828] - VDBs, created with Teiid Designer that import other VDB do not respect the specified version.
- [TEIIDDES-2829] - Issues with generated dynamic VDB for preview
- [TEIIDDES-2831] - Vdb conversion should exclude model 'checksum' and 'index' properties
- [TEIIDDES-2832] - Unable to preview imported SF model
- [TEIIDDES-2835] - NullPointerException at org.teiid.designer.jdbc.ui.wizards.JdbcImportOptionsPage.createModelDefinitionPanel(JdbcImportOptionsPage.java:444) when "Create source model for JDBC Data Source" from the Guide UI
- [TEIIDDES-2837] - Server in TD looks like it is not connected after start
- [TEIIDDES-2842] - NPE when trying to edit Data Role created during importing of dynamic VDB
- [TEIIDDES-2844] - Quick fix on imported TD VDB produces exception
- [TEIIDDES-2846] - File Import's Column Information Panel unexpandable
- [TEIIDDES-2847] - Flat File Importer doesn't accept multi-character delimiter
- [TEIIDDES-2853] - Radio button label in JBDC Import wizard is wrong
- [TEIIDDES-2866] - Space in string in Transformation Editor is replaced with <undefined> after Save/Validate SQL
- [TEIIDDES-2867] - Importing from Sybase JDBC uses default double-quoted name in source values