Version 2

    7. prosince 2016: Keycloak SSO and Identity Management - New Features Sneak Peek


    Czech JBoss User Group gladly invites you to a JBUG session in Brno, taking place on Wednesday December 7th, 2016 in premises of Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University room A318 at 18:00.

    Czech JBoss User Group Vás srdečně zve na setkání JBUG v Brně, které se koná ve středu 7. prosince 2016 v prostorách Fakulty Informatiky Masarykovy Univerzity v místnosti A318 od 18:00.


    Keycloak provides SSO and Identity management for your applications. The project is more than 3 years under very active development and there are lots of cool new features developed in recent versions. In the presentation, we will focus on the new features added in last 2 years since last JBug presentation.

    • Authentication SPI - allows to specify what authentication mechanisms will be used for your users. You can even develop your own authentication mechanism
    • UserStorage SPI, which allows you to integrate with your own database of users
    • Authorization SPI - Allows to manage fine-grained permissions for applications and services


    Presenter: Marek Posolda


    Recording: JBUG 2016/12/07 : Keycloak : Marek Posolda - YouTube



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