Version 1

    The latest Arquillian release (1.3.0) introduces an interesting new SPI that allow automatic generation of the deployment, ie. avoiding the need for an explicit @Deployment method.


    We do a lot of testing against Atlassian products using our home grow Arquillian extension: Adaptavist / atlassian-arquillian-containers   — Bitbucket


    This new SPI intrigued me as the majority of our tests have the same very simple @Deployment method:


        public static Archive deployTests() {
            return ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "tests.jar");


    but a few include other things. It'd be nice if all the simple cases could ditch the method entirely without affecting other cases.


    So, I tried a very simple AutomaticDeployment:


    public class DefaultDeployment implements AutomaticDeployment {
        public DeploymentConfiguration generateDeploymentScenario(TestClass testClass) {
            return new DeploymentContentBuilder(ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "tests.jar")).get();


    and add the fully qualified class name to this file: src/test/resources/META-INF/services/org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.spi.client.deployment.AutomaticDeployment


    This works great for new test cases WITHOUT a @Deployment, but it clobbers any existing cases, complaining about Deployments with the same name  '_DEFAULT_' clashing.


    So, I extended this to check for the existence of a deployment method, and only generate one if the test case doesn't contain any:


    public class DefaultDeployment implements AutomaticDeployment {
        public DeploymentConfiguration generateDeploymentScenario(TestClass testClass) {
            if (hasDeploymentMethod(testClass)) {
                return null;
            } else {
                return createDefaultDeployment();
        private boolean hasDeploymentMethod(TestClass testClass) {
            return testClass.getMethods(Deployment.class).length > 0;
        private DeploymentConfiguration createDefaultDeployment() {
            return new DeploymentContentBuilder(ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "tests.jar")).get();


    Anyway, I hope this helps anyone getting started with this feature, as there doesn't appear to be much in the way of documentation or examples for it, and it took me a bit of digging in the Arquillian source to work out what I needed to do.