Version 17

    4.0.4.GA Upgrade Issues

    This pages list known issues that may affect upgrading to the 4.0.4.GA release.


    Installer Issues

    • The jboss zip distribution is the J2EE 1.4 bundle. It does not include any JavaEE 5 preview technology. The installer must be used to access these profiles.

    • Make sure you use the latest installer bundle as it can be patched independent of the JBossAS base. The current release is jboss-4.0.4.GA-Patch1-installer.jar.


    JBossWS 1.0

    As of 4.0.4.CR2, the webservice stack has changed to use the next generation JBossWS stack. See JBoss404WSCompatibility for known issues.


    HTTP Session Replication Cache Configuration


    Beginning with 4.0.4.CR2, JBoss session replication supports FIELD granularity replication.  This new feature meant adding a new archive to the session replication service; this led to a change in the location of the file used to configure the JBossCache instance used for replication.


    Previously configuration was done via the /server/all/deploy/tc5-cluster-service.xml file.  Now the /server/all/deploy/tc5-cluster.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml is used.  The purpose and use of the file are basically the same; just the name and location have changed.  The tc5-cluster SAR is in exploded format; no need to unzip anything to access and edit the file.


    Using Java5 Features in JSP Pages

    The bundled JDT compiler now supports Java5, but its not configured at this level by default. You need to edit the org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet init params in the jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/conf/web.xml and uncomment the compilerSourceVM:


          <!-- Uncomment to use jdk1.5 features in jsp pages



    Simplified Clustered Service Configuration


    The configuration for services that depend on the ClusterPartition (HA-JNDI, DistributedState, HASessionState, HASingletons, Farming, JGCacheInvalidationBridge) has changed. See this page for details.


    Dom4j/Xpath Problems

    The 4.0.4 release included a subsetted dom4j release that removed the xpath code linked to jaxen as we wanted users to be able able to update jaxen. This broke user code that was relying on the dom4j xpath apis. To restore the xpath behavior, replace the server lib/dom4j.jar with the full dom4j1.6 distribution. Dom4j on Sourceforge.


    PooledInvoker compatibility

    The PooledInvoker transport is incompatible by default with previous releases. If you need communicate with 4.0.4.GA server using PooledInvoker client jars from earlier releases, you have to define a system property org.jboss.invocation.pooled.Legacy(-Dorg.jboss.invocation.pooled.Legacy=true) on the server to allow the clients is to interop with 4.0.4.GA. See JBAS-3376


