Version 16

    Installing additional BIRT engine



    Due to the number of libraries we would have to bundle to include BIRT reporting inside JBoss RS ,

    we chose to offer BIRT reporting as a separate module .


    The information provided on  this  page will allow you to install what is needed to deploy BIRT report designs in Jboss RS .


    We distinguish two usage profiles :

    - Simple "Runtime" Integration

    - "Runtime" + Maven integration , in case you want to build and/or extend Jboss RS BIRT engine .





    "Runtime" integration.



    At the time of this writing , the latest available BIRT version is 2.2M1

    • Download engine-BIRT-xxx.sar , where xxx is the latest version number ( At the time of this writing , it is 0.2-SNAPSHOT )



    • Unpack it somewhere on your filesystem . We will now refer to the location where you unpacked the package as <BIRT_HOME>.

      • Note : the environment variable BIRT_HOME does not need to be set if you only plan to use BIRT for runtime purposes . However , if you wish to build it , it will need to be set for our repository installation script to work .


    • Copy <BIRT_HOME>/lib , <BIRT_HOME>/plugins and <BIRT_HOME>/configuration inside engine-BIRT-xxx.sar


    • deploy engine-BIRT-xxx.sar by placing in your Jboss instance 's deploy directory


    • Test that it is working by placing any valid BIRT report ( .rptdesign file ) in your Jboss instance 's deploy directory

        You should see something resembling this in the JBoss console ,


    or server.log file :



         14:17:18,379 INFO  [DeployerRPTDESIGN] init, Basic.rptdesign
         14:17:18,379 INFO  [DeployerRPTDESIGN] Watch file : file:/data/opt/jboss-4.0.4.GA/server/default/deploy/Basic.rptdesign
         14:17:23,380 INFO  [BirtReport] Compiling Report in :/data/opt/jboss-4.0.4.GA/server/default/tmp/jrs_birt1163337438380.rptdocument
         14:17:26,018 INFO  [BirtReport] Compilation successful :) 
         14:17:26,030 INFO  [BirtReport] Report /data/opt/jboss-4.0.4.GA/server/default/tmp/jrs_birt1163337438380.rptdocument contained 1 page.
         14:17:26,030 INFO  [BirtReport] Cleanup...
         14:17:26,030 INFO  [BirtReport] Temp file /data/opt/jboss-4.0.4.GA/server/default/tmp/jrs_birt1163337438380.rptdocument deleted [OK] 


        You should now see the deployed report in the JBOSS RS reports console , available in /reports-console of your web server ( for example http://localhost:8080/reports-console )







    Maven integration



    In addition to the instructions provided on this page : Install and compile RS


    You need to install the <BIRT_HOME>/lib libraries in your maven2 repository . To save you some time , we provide a script that will do

    it for you .


    • For this script to work , you will need to set the BIRT_HOME environment variable to where you unpacked the package :


      • On Linux machines :

        export BIRT_HOME=/path/to/birt


      • On Windows        : WinKey + Pause brings you "System Properties" . Click "Advanced" then "Environment variables" , and create a BIRT_HOME

      variable ,

    either under User variables or System Variables .


    • run the mvnbirt script below. It will install required jars in your repository . You can now compile the JBoss RS BIRT-engine .

      • Note : you do not need to be root to execute this script . This script is at the moment only provided in bash .












    BV=2.2M1 #Birt version

    PK=jar   #package type


    if  [ "x" = "x$BIRT_HOME" ]; then

         echo "variable BIRT_HOME , containing lib/ and plugins/ must be set"








    cd $BASEDIR

    ##We Assume thar the 3 emf jars have the same version number , and take org.eclipse.emf.common for reference

    EMFV=`ls org.eclipse.emf.common.jar | sed -e 's/\.jar$//' | sed -e 's/._//'`


    ##BIRT APIs

    for i in `ls *api.jar | sed -e 's/\.jar$//'` ;

           do mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=$BIRT_GROUP -DartifactId=$ -Dversion=$BV -Dpackaging=$PK -Dfile="$BASEDIR/$.$PK" -DgeneratePom=true ;



    ##EMF ( Eclipse Modeling Framework ) . Assuming the 3 emf jars have the same version number!

    for i in `ls org.eclipse.emf..jar | sed -e 's/\.jar$//' | sed -e 's/_.//'` ;

           do mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=$ -DartifactId=$ -Dversion=$EMFV -Dpackaging=$PK -Dfile="$BASEDIR/$_$EMFV.$PK" -DgeneratePom=true ;




      1. Misc

    mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.w3c -DartifactId=flute -Dversion=1.3 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile="flute.$PK" -DgeneratePom=true

    mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.w3c -DartifactId=sac -Dversion=1.3 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile="sac.$PK" -DgeneratePom=true

    mvn install:install-file -DartifactId=icu -Dversion=3.4.5 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile="$PK" -DgeneratePom=true

    mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.lowagie -DartifactId=itext -Dversion=1.3 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile="itext-1.3.$PK" -DgeneratePom=true

    mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.mozilla.rhino -DartifactId=js -Dversion=1.6R1 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile="js.$PK" -DgeneratePom=true



    cd $ACTUAL_DIR