Version 9



    The dashboard contains a dashboard organizes and presents information in a structured and easily readable format. The information is a set of queries that are rendered into graphical components such as pie charts, bar charts, pivot tables and a number of other formats.


    The project by default ships in with a number of queries such as:


    Amount of Executions

    List the amount of executions for each process in ascending order for a specific interval of time. The panel can show the following information:

    1. Process Name

    2. Number of initiated instances

    3. Number of active instances

    4. Number of completed instances

    5. Date & time of the last initiated instance.


    Activity Distribution

    Represent the amount of activity instances in each process against the time it took to complete each one of tasks. The panel can show the following information:

    1. Activity Name

    2. Number of completions (Number of times the activity was activity)

    3. Minimum Time: Minimum time the activity was completed

    4. Maximum Time: Maximum time the activity was completed

    5. Average Time for activity completion


    Workload Distribution

    Represent the amount of activities assigned to individual swimlanes distribution through presenting the following data:

    1. Assigned Actor Name

    2. Type of tasks (individual or pool)

    3. Process Name

    4. Number of activities

    5. Number of assigned activities

    6. Number of pending tasks