Version 8

    There are already a few pages related to books:


    Apache Tomcat Documentation Library


    JBoss Application Server Documentation Library


    These pages cover 3 types of documentation:


    • Books

    • Whitepapers

    • Articles


    There are also a couple of books related to Seam and JBoss Transactions.


    The following page also lists all of the Books in the JBoss Book Series:



    If we have a Books Portlet then we should allow the user to filter the available books based on project.


    New Design


    JBoss Authored Books


    With JBoss Enterprise Middleware you can choose from a growing number of books to learn all about your favourite technologies direct from the source. As developers of the software the authors of these publications offer a unique insight into the reasons and decisions behind its design:


    Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 (5th edition)

         By Richard Monson-Haefel and Bill Burke, Published by O'Reilly


    If you're up on the latest Java technologies, then you know that Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0 is the hottest news in Java this year. In fact, EJB 3.0 is being hailed as the new standard of server-side business logic programming. And O'Reilly's award-winning book on EJB has been refreshed just in time to capitalize on the technology's latest rise in popularity. This fifth edition, written by Bill Burke and Richard Monson-Haefel has been updated to capture the very latest need-to-know Java technologies in the same award-winning fashion that drove the success of the previous four strong-selling editions.



    Java Persistence with Hibernate

         By Christian Bauer and Gavin King, Published by TBD


    This book is authored by Hibernate founders and best selling authors. It covers the latest and greatest Java Persistence API (a.k.a EJB3 persistence API), and the Hibnerate3 implementation and extension of this standard API. If you are a Hibernate user, this is a must-have book to master the next evolution of of Hibernate.



    Hibernate in Action

         By Christian Bauer and Gavin King, Published by Manning


    Hibernate practically exploded on the Java scene. Why is this open-source tool so popular? Because it automates a tedious task: persisting your Java objects to a relational database. Hibernate in Action carefully explains the concepts you need, then gets you going. It builds on a single example to show you how to use Hibernate in practice, how to deal with concurrency and transactions, how to efficiently retrieve objects and use caching. The authors created Hibernate and they field questions from the Hibernate community every day - they know how to make Hibernate sing. Knowledge and insight seep out of every pore of this book.



    JBoss: A Developer's Notebook

         By Norman Richards and Sam Griffith, Published by O'Reilly


    JBoss: A Developer's Notebook takes you on a complete tour of JBoss in a very unique way: rather than long discussions, you will find code--lots of code. In fact, the book is a collection of hands-on labs that take you through the critical JBoss features step-by-step. You don't just read about JBoss, you learn it through direct practical application. That includes exploring the server's many configurations: from bare features for simple applications, to the lightweight J2EE configuration, to everything JBoss has in store-including Hibernate and Tomcat. This book also introduces the management console, the web services messaging features, enhanced monitoring capabilities, and shows you how to improve performance.



    JBoss 4.0 - The Official Guide

         By Scott Stark, Marc Fleury and Norman Richards, Published by Sams


    If you need to understand how JBoss works, why not learn it from the people who created it? JBoss 4.0 - The Official Guide is the authoritative resource recognized as the official print documentation for JBoss 4.0. It covers all aspects of the server including administration as well as the internal architecture of the JBoss AS.



    Managing J2EE Applications with JMX.

             By Marc Fleury, Juha Lindfors, The JBoss Group. (Sams 2002)




    JBoss Book Series - Prentice Hall


    The following titles are part of the official JBoss Book Series published by Prentice Hall Professional Publications. All books in the series are fully reviewed and approved by Red Hat for technical accuracy and excellency.


    Lightweight Java Web Application Development: Leveraging EJB3, JSF, POJO and Seam

         By Michael Yuan and Norman Richards, Published by Prentice Hall


    This book is a step-by-step guide on how to build POJO (plain old Java object) web applications using standard Java EE 5.0 technologies such as EJB 3.0 and JSF. Following the real-world examples, you will be able to construct fully-featured, easy-to-understand and elegant web applications in the matter of hours -- all without those confusing "XML code" and other artifacts typically found in other frameworks.



    JBoss Seam: Simplicity and Power Beyond Java EE 5

         By Michael Yuan and Thomas Heute, Forward by Gavin King, Published by Prentice Hall


    JBoss Seam is the "missing framework that should have been in Java EE 5.0". It glues together EJB 3.0 and JSF components under a unified POJO framework and hence greatly simplifies Java EE 5.0 web applications. Seam provides advanced state management facilities that enable us to develop new types of web applications that are impossible (or very hard to do) in previous generations of enterprise Java frameworks. For instance, with Seam, we can build web applications with multiple isolated workspaces -- those applications behave like multiple window desktop applications. Seam also supports integrating long running and multiple-actor business processes in web applications. In this book, you will learn how to use Seam through a series of concrete examples and tutorials.


    Recommended Reading


    The following books are also available if you can't find what you're looking for above:


    JBoss at Work: A Practical Guide (O'Reilly, 2005).

            By Tom Marrs and Scott Davis. (O'Reilly 2005)


    Professional Apache Tomcat 5.

            By Vivek Chopra, Amit Bakore, Jon Eaves, Ben Galbraith, Sing Li, Chanoch Wiggers. (Wrox 2004)


    Apache Tomcat Bible.

            By Jon Eaves, Warner Godfrey, Rupert Jones. (Wiley 2003)


    Tomcat: The Definitive Guide.

            By Jason Brittain, Ian F. Darwin, O'Reilly & Associates, March 2003.


    Apache Tomcat Security Handbook.

            By Vivek Chopra, Ben Galbriaths, Gotham Pollysetty, Brian Rickabaugh, John Turner, Wrox Press, February 2003.