Version 2

    ConnectionFactory Deployer


    The ConnectionFactory deployer is responsible for deploying -ds.xml files

    It is configured in jbossjca-service.xml (JBoss4) or jboss-jca.sar (JBoss-3.2.x)


    Default Configuration

      <mbean code="org.jboss.deployment.XSLSubDeployer" name="jboss.jca:service=ConnectionFactoryDeployer">
        <attribute name="DdSuffix">-ds.xml</attribute>
        <attribute name="XslUrl">stylesheets/ConnectionFactoryTemplate.xsl</attribute>


    Configurable Attributes

    • DdSuffix - the suffix of the deployments this deployer accepts

    • XslURL - the URL of the stylesheet that transactions for the deployment into a -service.xml style deployment internally