Version 16

    Topic Configuration


    A permanent deployment of a Topic. You can find examples in deploy{-hasingleton}/jms/jbossmq-destinations-service.xml

    These examples are used by the JBoss testsuite and can safely removed.

    There is nothing special about the name of the -service.xml where the topic is deployed, it could for

    example be placed in a myapp-service.xml inside your mdb jar.


    Example Configuration

      <mbean code=""
        <depends optional-attribute-name="DestinationManager"></depends>
        <depends optional-attribute-name="SecurityManager"></depends>
        <attribute name="SecurityConf">
            <role name="guest" read="true" write="true"></role>
            <role name="publisher" read="true" write="true" create="false"></role>
            <role name="durpublisher" read="true" write="true" create="true"></role>


    Configurable Attributes

    • DestinationManager

      - the object name of the DestinationManager where the topic is deployed

    • SecurityManager

      - the object name of the SecurityManager where the  SecurityConf is deployed

    • SecurityConf

      - the configuration interpreted by the SecurityManager

    • JNDIName

      - the jndi binding of the Topic, it looks for a jmx attribute "name" in the Topic's object name when none is specified

    • MaxDepth

      - the maximum depth of a Subscription

    • InMemory

      - don't persist messages and avoid message softening when using the NullPersistenceManager

    • RedeliveryLimit

      - the maximum times a message is nacked before a message is sent to the DLQ

    • RedeliveryDelay

      - the length of time in milli-seconds to wait before a message is redelivered after a nack

    • MessageCounterHistoryDayLimit

      - the number of days to keep MessageCounter history

    • ReceiversImpl

      - the class to use for the receivers implementation (from JBoss-3.2.4)

    • RecoveryRetries

      - the recovery retries for durable subscriptions - default 0 - zero(from JBoss-4.0.3)

    • ExpiryDestination





    • removeAllMessages

      - clears all Subscriptions

    • listAllSubscriptions

      - lists all Subscriptions

    • listDurableSubscriptions

      - lists all DurableSubscriptions

    • listNonDurableSubscriptions

      - lists all NonDurableSubscriptions

    • resetMessageCounter

      - resets the MessageCounters data for all topic subscriptions

    • resetMessageCounterHistory

      - clear the MessageCounter history data for this topic

    • listMessages(String id)

      - list the messages for a subscription (1 - from 3.2.4)

    • listMessages(String id, String selector)

      - list the messages for a subscription with an optional selector (1 - from 3.2.4)

    • getNonDurableMessageCount(String clientID, String subID)

      - get the message count for a subscription (from 4.0.5)

    • listNonDurableMessages(String clientID, String subID)

      - list the messages for a subscription (1 - from 4.0.3)

    • listNonDurableMessages(String clientID, String subID, String selector)

      - list the messages for a subscription with an optional selector (1 - from 4.0.3)

    • getDurableMessageCount(String clientID, String subname)

      - get the message count for a subscription (from 4.0.5)

    • listDurableMessages(String clientID, String subname)

      - list the messages for a subscription (1 - from 4.0.3)

    • listDurableMessages(String clientID, String subname, String selector)

      - list the messages for a subscription with an optional selector (1 - from 4.0.3)

    • getNonDurableScheduledMessageCount(String clientID, String subID)

      - get the scheduled message count for a subscription (from 4.0.5)

    • listNonDurableScheduledMessages(String clientID, String subID)

      - list the scheduled messages for a subscription (1 - from 4.0.5)

    • listNonDurableScheduledMessages(String clientID, String subID, String selector)

      - list the scheduled messages for a subscription with an optional selector (1 - from 4.0.5)

    • getDurableScheduledMessageCount(String clientID, String subname)

      - get the scheduled message count for a subscription (from 4.0.5)

    • listDurableScheduledMessages(String clientID, String subname)

      - list the scheduled messages for a subscription (1 - from 4.0.5)

    • listDurableScheduledMessages(String clientID, String subname, String selector)

      - list the scheduled messages for a subscription with an optional selector (1 - from 4.0.5)

    • getNonDurableInProcessMessageCount(String clientID, String subID)

      - get the unacknowledged message count for a subscription (from 4.0.5)

    • listNonDurableInProcessMessages(String clientID, String subID)

      - list the unacknowledged messages for a subscription (1 - from 4.0.5)

    • listNonDurableInProcessMessages(String clientID, String subID, String selector)

      - list the unacknowledged messages for a subscription with an optional selector (1 - from 4.0.5)

    • getDurableInProcessMessageCount(String clientID, String subname)

      - get the unacknowledged message count for a subscription (from 4.0.5)

    • listDurableInProcessMessages(String clientID, String subname)

      - list the unacknowledged messages for a subscription (1 - from 4.0.5)

    • listDurableInProcessMessages(String clientID, String subname, String selector)

      - list the unacknowledged messages for a subscription with an optional selector (1 - from 4.0.5)


    (1) Be careful when the subscription has lots of messages, there is no paging, the entire subscription will be display leading to a possible OutOfMemory

    • The


      is the id show when display subscriptions, you will receive the list of valid ids if you don't enter a valid id parameter

    • The


      is the client id of the connection, which could be an internal id, e.g.



    • The


      is the internal subscription id which is optional if the connection has only one subscription

    • The


      is the subscription name used to create the durable subscriber