Version 5

    Configuring the bbmailposter Module


    Configure mail-service.xml in the deploy directory with a valid mail account. A template for the mail-service.xml file can be found in the JBoss default server deploy directory.


    Before building and deploying the bbmailposter service, it will need to be configured with your preferences. Edit the file bbmailposter\src\resources\nukes-bbmailposter-sar\META-INF\jboss-service.xml.


    This file contains the following attributes:


    attribute name="CheckMailFrequency?" description="The number of seconds to wait before checking for new mail." 1200


    attribute name="ReplyHashVerificationEnabled?" description="Use a hash verification scheme on reply messages. Verification only good for replies. If True, the attribute AllowReplyViaEmail? in the bb module must also be set to true." False


    attribute name="DigitalSignatureVerificationEnabled?" description="Only allow mail to be posted to the forums with a valid digital signature. Currently not implemented." False


    attribute name="NewTopicPostingEnabled?" description="If True, nukes members can post new topics to the forums through the mail. If True, CatchAllCategoryNam? and CatchAllForumName? must be specified. EMail can be sent to a specific forum by using a subject line with a format of forum name? - subject." False


    attribute name="CatchAllCategoryName?" description="The category name of the forum messages will be posted to that do not match an existing forum."


    attribute name="CatchAllForumName?" description="The forum name messages will be posted to that do not match an existing forum."


    attribute name="UnhandledMessageForwardingEnabled?" description="If True, then unhandled messages will be forwarded to the address specified for unhandledMessageForwardAddress." False


    attribute name="UnhandledMessageForwardAddress?" description="Provide a mailing address to forward unhandled messages too."



    Set these values according to your preferences and then do the build and deploy for the bbmailposter module.



    Referenced by: