Version 21

    Dimitris Andreadis


    JBoss AS Project Lead


    JBoss, a Division of Red Hat


    Dimitris Andreadis studied Computer Science at Technological Educational Institute of Athens

    and received an M.Sc. by research from University College Dublin, Ireland. Dimitris served in

    the Navy for 2 years and the Telecoms software industry for another 7 years while working

    for Intracom and Motorola in the areas of NMS/OSS, designing reusable frameworks

    and distributed systems. He joined JBoss in 2004 in the midst of the J2EE 1.4 certification

    frenzy to become a core developer focusing on (and around) the JBoss microkernel.

    His main interest is in the core application server platform and the management

    aspect of it. He has worked extensively with JMX and CORBA technologies and represents

    JBoss on JSR-284. He is currently the project lead for the JBoss Application Server, in the JBoss Division of Red Hat, Inc.




    JBoss Blog


    Personal Blog


    Never Write A main() Again


    Jazoon 09 presentation - JBoss Application Server 5 and Beyond