Version 3

    EJB3 in JBossAS 4.0.4.GA

    The EJB3 preview is only available from the jboss-4.0.x-installer.jar (currently jboss-4.0.4.GA-Patch1-installer.jar), and requires Java5 to run. As of the 4.0.4.GA release the installer can be run as a GUI or from the command line. Installing EJB3 from the command line entails


    java -jar jboss-4.0.4.GA-Patch1-installer.jar -installGroup ejb3|ejb3-clustered installpath=root-dir-for-install


    The two installer profiles that support ejb3 are:

    • ejb3 - a base profile supporting EJB3 with webservice support.

    • ejb3-clustered - an extension of the ejb3 profile that adds clustering support.


    An example of running the installer from the command line to install the ejb3 profile is:

    [starksm@banshee9100 Releases]$ java -jar jboss-4.0.4.GA-Patch1-installer.jar -installGroup ejb3 installpath=/tmp/jboss-4.0.4.GA-ejb3
    Looking for auto install resource...
    /res/jbossauto-install.xml URL: jar:file:/C:/usb/Releases/jboss-4.0.4.GA-Patch1-installer.jar!/res/jbossauto-install.xml
    PackageListener, install.log=C:\usb\Releases\install.log
    [ Starting automated installation ]
    [ Starting to unpack ]
    [ Processing package: ejb3-deployer (1/37) ]
    [ Processing package: jta-service (2/37) ]
    [ Processing package: invokers-service (3/37) ]
    [ Processing package: mail-service (4/37) ]
    [ Processing package: quartz-rar (5/37) ]
    [ Processing package: jbossws5 (6/37) ]
    [ Processing package: bsh-deployer (7/37) ]
    [ Processing package: jmx-core (8/37) ]
    [ Processing package: jmx-console (9/37) ]
    [ Processing package: javamail (10/37) ]
    [ Processing package: xmlresolver (11/37) ]
    [ Processing package: jms-injvm-invoker (12/37) ]
    [ Processing package: usertx-service (13/37) ]
    [ Processing package: jboss-local-jdbc.rar (14/37) ]
    [ Processing package: docs (15/37) ]
    [ Processing package: ear-deployer (16/37) ]
    [ Processing package: security (17/37) ]
    [ Processing package: minimal (18/37) ]
    [ Processing package: ejb-deployer (19/37) ]
    [ Processing package: war-deployer (20/37) ]
    [ Processing package: naming (21/37) ]
    [ Processing package: client-deployer-service (22/37) ]
    [ Processing package: hsqldb-ds (23/37) ]
    [ Processing package: hibernate (24/37) ]
    [ Processing package: jmx-invoker-service (25/37) ]
    [ Processing package: client (26/37) ]
    [ Processing package: jboss-bean-deployer (27/37) ]
    [ Processing package: jms-asf-rar (28/37) ]
    [ Processing package: jbossmq-service (29/37) ]
    [ Processing package: default-jms-destintations (30/37) ]
    [ Processing package: jdbc-metadata-service (31/37) ]
    [ Processing package: jca-service (32/37) ]
    [ Processing package: jboss-remoting (33/37) ]
    [ Processing package: jboss-aop-jdk50-deployer (34/37) ]
    [ Processing package: ejb-timer-service (35/37) ]
    [ Processing package: dynclassloader-service.xml (36/37) ]
    [ Processing package: jms-socket-invoker (37/37) ]
         [echo] Unpacking wstools to bin...
        [unzip] Expanding: \tmp\jboss-4.0.4.GA-ejb3\client\jbossws-client.jar into \tmp\jboss-4.0.4.GA-ejb3\bin
         [echo] Removing jbossws14 client jars...
       [delete] Deleting 4 files from C:\tmp\jboss-4.0.4.GA-ejb3\client
       [delete] Deleting C:\tmp\jboss-4.0.4.GA-ejb3\client\jboss-backport-concurrent.jar
       [delete] Deleting C:\tmp\jboss-4.0.4.GA-ejb3\client\jbossretro-rt.jar
       [delete] Deleting C:\tmp\jboss-4.0.4.GA-ejb3\client\jbossws14-client.jar
       [delete] Deleting C:\tmp\jboss-4.0.4.GA-ejb3\client\namespace.jar
         [echo] jbossws done
         [echo] Updating script executable modes
         [echo] bin dir is /tmp/jboss-4.0.4.GA-ejb3/bin
    [ Unpacking finished. ]
    [ Writing the uninstaller data ... ]
    [ Automated installation done ]