JBossESB - Team
Development Manager: Mark Little
Project Lead: Kevin Conner:Core, Web Services, Messaging, Microcontainer and Transactions.
Esteban Schifman: Core, Transformation and Rosetta integration.
Tom Fennelly: Transformation and Management.
Kurt Stam: Content-based routing, Registry and Testing.
Bill Burke: JEE and JEMS integration.
Johan Kumps: HTTP and REST.
Arvinder Singh: Messaging, Testing, Core and Microcontainer.
Mugdho Debnath: Registry.
Mihir Sahu: JBI
Dave Dunkin: Content-based routing.
John Gilbert: Testing.
Burr Sutter: Examples.
Jason Lenhart: Documentation.
Dave DeGroff:Testing and Documentation.
Sebastic Cao: Wiki pages.
Daniel Brum
Martin Kelly
Surendra Naidoo
Mohit Keswani