Version 4

    Running and debugging seam application in Eclipse


    Some notes about running and debugging seam application (any jBoss application) in Eclipse environment without tedious constant redeployment.


    • The main idea is to set output dir in eclipse as ( /bin/your_app.ejb3 )


    • Also I usually put my war dir in the same place  ( /bin/your_app.war ) Note that it is not files. It is directories. And endings (.ejb3 and .war) are important.


    • Organize eclipse project /src dir appropriate. Keep in mind that eclipse will copy your /src to /bin/your_app.ejb3 except .java. It will be replaced with .class.


    • Than change <jBoss_home>\server\default\conf\jboss-service.xml (Look at the end of the file) Add your /bin dir as it shown in the sample.

    <mbean code="org.jboss.deployment.scanner.URLDeploymentScanner" name="jboss.deployment:type=DeploymentScanner,flavor=URL">
          <attribute name="URLs">


    • Create some simple ANT tasks to create exploded EAR, JAR, SAR, WAR and even re-deploy them. See details here.


    Then just start server. You can do it right from eclipse.



    Note, now you can even change you code "hot". If it is not broken, your changes will start working immediately after saving.