Version 2

    ExtendedFormAuthenticator (4.0.3+)

    The current (5.5.9) tomcat FormAuthenticator calls out to error/login pages using a forward that does not allow for interception of the post login attempt state by valves or filters. The class is an extension of the form authenticator that associates the j_username with the session under the attribute name j_username for use by form login/error pages. If the includePassword attribute is true, the j_password value is also included in the session under the attribute name j_password. In  addition, it maps any authentication exception found in the SecurityAssociation to the session attribute name j_exception. It is essentially a full replacement for and fixes problems with getting the login exception in the FormAuthValve.

    Note: this is based on a patched version of the org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator that has been submitted to the tomcat bugzilla(id=36136).


    Configuring the ExtendedFormAuthenticator for an Application

    To enable the ExtendedFormAuthenticator for you webapp, you create a WEB-INF/context.xml descriptor with a Valve element like the following:


    <!-- Add the ExtendedFormAuthenticator to get access to the username/password/exception -->
    <Context cookies="true" crossContext="true">
       <Valve className=""
          includePassword="true" ></Valve>


    Configuring the ExtendedFormAuthenticator for All Applications

    You can add the Valve statement to the jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/context.xml to use the ExtendedFormAuthenticator for all applications.


    <!-- The contents of this file will be loaded for each web application -->
    <Context cookies="true" crossContext="true">
       <!-- Session persistence is disable by default. To enable for all web
       apps set the pathname to a non-empty value:
       <Manager pathname="SESSIONS.ser" ></Manager>
       To enable session persistence for a single web app, add a
       <Manager pathname="" ></Manager>
       <!-- Install an InstanceListener to handle the establishment of the run-as
       role for servlet init/destroy events.
       <!-- Add the ExtendedFormAuthenticator to all applications by default -->
       <Valve className=""
          includePassword="true" ></Valve>