Version 9

    Migrating From EJB 3.0 RC8 -> RC9


    • MDBs are no longer JMS specific.  They work entirely from JCA Message Inflow.  This means that the JBoss JMS Resource Adapter is used if you are using JBoss MQ.  How to configure the JMS RA.


    • For Embedded EJB 3.0, if you are using JMS and MDBs, you must have the lib/ directory of the distribution in your classpath.  The deployer will be looking for jms-ra.rar in the classpath so that it can deploy the JMS RAR.


    • If you are patching a server configuration other than one using clustering from the "all" configuration from the JEMS Installer, you must remove ejb3-clustered-sfsbcache-service.xml and ejb3-entity-cache-service.xml as they'll be unable to find org.jboss.cache.TreeCache.


    • References to javax.annotation.EJB must be changed to javax.ejb.EJB for proper injection.  javax.ejb.EJB lives in RC9's jboss-ejb3x.jar. When running the patch installer, this file gets updated in $JBOSS_HOME/server/[Instancename|instancename]/deploy/ejb3.deployer, but not $JBOSS_HOME/client at time of this writing.