Version 2

    12 Month roadmap for guvnor repository and tooling (DRAFT)



    • A "snap in" ajax framework - a simple "toolset" interface

      • using GWT 1.5. Snap ins implement toolset interface and provide the specific widgets.

    • Repository with webdav access

    (based on drools-repository back end code, with JCR/jackrabbit).

    • Web based UI for browsing and editing content repository

      • Ability to upload/search/download/version any sort of "asset" that is relavant to SOA

    (even some that may not have specific web based editors)

      • AtomPub/REST interface for content and metadata

      • Browse by category, state, package/folder

    • Unified identity/security for console - so all toolsets get

    authentication for free, and authorisation API, admin screens for the


    • Per package and per category security

    • Searchable audit log for all access

    • Lifecycle control of assets and packages (folders) of assets, from DEV to STAGING to PRODUCTION etc (ideally using user configurable workflows for approval).

    • Eclipse plug in for syncing guvnor assets to eclipse workspace as files


    Eclipse Tooling for Guvnor

    Eclipse users will require access to resources held in Guvnor. The purpose of Eclipse tooling for Guvnor is to enable this access in a way that makes sense for Guvnor and the local Eclipse development environment.