Version 17

    The new design for the JBoss.ORG home page can be seen below:



    Since the new site represents an opportunity to refocus efforts on the development of Java Enterprise Middleware projects, I think it is important to declare this on the home page. We can use the following observations to help with the phrasing:


    • You contribute to the project.

    • You use the product.

    • You buy the service.


    New Design



  provides a home for the development of Java Enterprise Middleware in open source by an open community.


    Open source means that the source code is freely available, distributable and modifiable by anyone who wishes to do so. This ensures that the software can evolve quickly and be reviewed at all times to maintain reliability, security and performance. The source code can also be very useful during development, allowing the exact operation of the software to be observed whilst it is running.


    An open community means that anybody is free to contribute to a project and collaborate in the ongoing development. This allows the software to adapt quickly to users' needs and encourages innovation.


    You are welcome to download and use any of the products (the binary releases) available on, together with documentation, completely free of charge. Licensing terms can be found on the Projects page.


    Help and support are also provided free of charge by the community via the wiki, forums or mailing lists. Alternatively you can enquire about a commercial subscription from Red Hat.+


    JBoss.ORG Announcement


    An announcement is needed to go in the News section of the Home page to introduce the new site.


    This should explain what has happened and why. The site has gone through 3 main changes in its life and we have now gone full-circle back to focusing on the development of open source Java Enterprise Middleware by the community.


    In terms of content we have removed all of the commercial links to the site and instead have a couple of discrete links at the top and bottom of the page if a user wants to enquire about commercial subscriptions.


    In terms of tooling we are now using JBoss Portal as the portal framework and will be adding best of breed tools to foster community collaboration.


    Finally we have a new team that is dedicated to helping users and the community develop the best software possible.