Version 7

    An ejb local home needs to be accessed using an ejb-local-ref. For example, this ejb-jar.xml fragment shows the CallerBean referencing the CalleeBean:

             <description>A secured echo session bean that calls a StatelessSessionLocal
                when its invokeEcho method is called.
             <description>A secured echo session bean that is called by CallerBean


    The ejb-local-ref/ejb-ref-name name of "ejb/local/CalleeHome" means that the CalleeBean local home will be bound under the java component environment naming context (java:comp/env) with that relative name:


       InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
       StatelessSessionLocalHome home = (StatelessSessionLocalHome) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/local/CalleeHome");


    Why is there a "@xxxxxx" in my local ejb JNDI name?


    See WhyDoesTheLocalNameContainARandomNumber


    Referenced by: