How To Build RichFaces Snapshot Manually
RichFaces build process is Maven based. You need to have Maven installed and configured. If you already has it, proceed to step 2
Step 1. Following the instruction how to configure Maven for RichFaces.
Step 2. Using any SVN client, take your own local copy of RichFaces project. The SVN root for public access is the following:
Step 3. Type mvn install in the command line when you are in the root of the RichFaces project. If you update the local repository and want to re-build the project, use mvn clean install . Short build (without documentation and distribution archives, just RichFaces libraries) runs by default. Activate "docs" and "release" profiles to enable documentation and distribution archives build: mvn clean install -P release, docs .
For the full build, in case of success, the <richfaces-root>/ui/assembly/target/dist/ will contains the binary distribution package that includes 3 jar files, tldDoc, javaDoc and Developers Guide
For the short build, in case of success, built .jar files can be taken from: <richfaces-root>/ui/assembly/target/dist/richfaces-ui-3.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar, <richfaces-root>/framework/api/target/richfaces-api-3.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar, <richfaces-root>/framework/impl/target/richfaces-impl-3.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar