Note: See HttpRouter.
The HttpClientFactory creates HttpClient instances via it's "createHttpClient" method. This method takes a java.util.Properties instance. These properties are used to configure the HttpClient instance.
The following is an example of this property set.
# Configurators configurators=HttpProtocol,AuthBASIC # HttpProtocol config... protocol-socket-factory=org.apache.commons.httpclient.contrib.ssl.EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory keystore=/packages/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28/conf/chap8.keystore keystore-passw=xxxxxx # AuthBASIC config... auth-username=tomcat auth-password=tomcat authscope-host=localhost authscope-port=18443 authscope-realm=ActiveBPEL security realm
The only property that the HttpClientFactory actually looks at is the "configurators" property. This property contains a comma separated list of "Configurators" (implementations of org.jboss.soa.esb.http.Configurator) that are use to configure different aspects of the HttpClient instance. The other properties in the set are specific to the actual "Configurators" themselves. To create a Configurator to handle some other aspect of HttpClient configuration, simply extend the org.jboss.soa.esb.http.Configurator class.
If the Configurator implementation resides in the "org.jboss.soa.esb.http.configurators" package, there's no need to prefix the class name with the package name. This can be seen in the above example.
"HttpProtocol" Configurator
This Configurator supports protocol configuration. It supports 3 properties:
"AuthBASIC" Configurator
Adds support for configuring a HttpClient instance for BASIC authentication. It supports 5 properties:
Adding your Configurator Implementations
As stated above, to create a Configurator to handle some other aspect of HttpClient configuration, simply extend the org.jboss.soa.esb.http.Configurator class and implement its "configure" method. Once your implementation is created, you can then use it with the HttpClientFactory by specifying your Configurator implementation in the "configurators" config property e.g.
# Configurators configurators=HttpProtocol,com.acme.http.configurators.XXXConfigurator # HttpProtocol config... protocol-socket-factory=org.apache.commons.httpclient.contrib.ssl.EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory keystore=/packages/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28/conf/chap8.keystore keystore-passw=xxxxxx # XXXConfigurator config... prop1=a prop2=b etc...
The properties for the Configurator implementation are made available through the java.util.Properties instance supplied in the call to the "configure" method.
See and as real example implementations.