We're thrilled to announce that the Arquillian logo has been chosen. We received well over 100 responses from the community during the three rounds of feedback on the Arquillian logo drafts. That feedback was shared with the design team, which helped steer them towards a design you felt best represented the project and the software. Thanks to all who participated!
Behold, an alien has invaded your container!

The competition between the universe globe and the alien eyes was very tight. In the end, we decided to put the eyes inside a container and reserve the universe theme for the banner, which you'll get to see when the project page is finished.
We also carefully selected a font face for the project name to match the coolness of the logo.

If you dig the artwork, don't just look at it, show it off! Make it one of your 37 pieces of flair or grab a t-shirt to complete your look from the Arquillian swag shop on CafePress.
At the end of the day, after you close all your browser and IDE windows, we want to make sure you know that Arquillian is ever present in your mind. So, our design team has also prepared a bedazzling desktop wallpaper for you (in lots of resolutions, including one for your smartphone).

Give a shout-out to cheyenneweaver for the hard work she put into creating this artwork (and for putting up with our wayward change requests for two months).
Now we need to work on getting the Arquillian project page together and push out an Alpha2 release.