Today I bring good news to all the fellow Arquillians out there. We just got our own project site!

The project site is the place to go to find all information about the project. It has the typical items like:
- Overview
- About the project
- Features
- Downloads
- Documentation
- Building from source
- Links to the:
- Community space (SBS)
- Source control (SVN)
- Issue tracker (JIRA)
- CI builds (Hudson)
But to keep things interesting, we've also aggregated rolling information, such as:
- Latest blog entires from the community blog
- External articles feed
- Recent commits in source control (with links to JIRA issues)
- Ohloh project stats
- Current build status (The blue orb in the corner of the Ohloh stats)
The complements the project site as host of the dynamic community content--our forums (discussions), community articles and blog entries. The information on our old "wiki home page" will eventually be phased out and replaced by the community space + the project site.
See something that's missing? Want something changed? As always we would like the communities feedback on where to go from here. Please don't hesitate to let us know!
Now head over to the Arquillian project site and poke around.
Look for the link on the right to find cool Arquillian swag and a wallpaper for your desktop!
I will use the opportunity to give a big thanks to
cheyenneweaver for the great artwork and to
dan.j.allen for bringing life to the site! Now, let's get back to those new features!
[ Arquillian Project Site | ]