• Howto add a postgreSQL datasource to a arquillian wildfly embedded container?

    When I use the default ExampleDS all my test works fine. Now I want to change the embedded h2 database to a PostgreSQL datasource and got a DeploymentException: Cannot deploy: test.war Error. When the Wildfly Server...
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    last modified by bookwood
  • Load Graphene @Pages programatically

    Hi eveyone,   Is it possible to load @Pages programmatically ? My goal is to identify all the pages objects available in my classpath and instanciate them just as if they were ordinary @Pages variables in my te...
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    last modified by francois-andre
  • jacoco-maven-plugin arquillian-persistence-dbunit ClassNotFound

    Hi all.   I got a problem with arquillian after adding jacoco-maven-plugin in my pom:   Find_ShouldNotFind(ru.mos.eirc.w.ssm.server.repository.common.CountryRepositoryTest)  Time elapsed: 0.022 sec...
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    last modified by snovawinter
  • jacoco-maven-plugin arquillian-persistence-dbunit ClassNotFound

    Hi all.   I got a problem with arquillian after adding jacoco-maven-plugin in my pom:   FindAll_ShouldFind(ru.mos.eirc.w.ssm.server.repository.common.CountryRepositoryTest)  Time elapsed: 0.327 sec...
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    last modified by snovawinter
  • Merge arquillian.xml + dev.properties

    Hello everyone! Im very tired   How can I merge arqillian.xml with dev.properties?   My dep.properties: weblogic.password=weblogic1   My arquillian.xml: <?xml version="1.0"?> <arquillian x...
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    last modified by rsltr
  • Arquillian Testing Jax-RS services as Blackbox

    Hi,   I have a test scenario which needs to be done from the rest client so I am using the Rest extension for arquillian. Although the service is getting registered it is not able to access the resource (404 err...
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    last modified by sambaran2010
  • Wrong maven dependency links in Arquillian version 1.4.0.Final

    Dears, I am using latest arquillian,graphene & selenuim dependecies for my unit testing but i am facing an error when first time i've tried to run my test, the error is : java.io.FileNotFoundException: /var/lib/...
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    created by iabughosh
  • Arquillian REST Extension webtarget

    Hi,   I try to use 'ArquillianResteasyResource' to inject WebTarget in my test, but WebTarget's variable remains null. @Test @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public void testWithWT(@ArquillianResteasyResou...
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    last modified by alkhan
  • org.dom4j.DocumentFactory cannot be cast to org.dom4j.DocumentFactory Nested exception

    I have added orm.xml file which contains JPA Query and its working sin at application end. But when we try to use this file in Junit (Arquillian). ts throwing below exception :   org.dom4j.DocumentFactory canno...
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    last modified by ranujain
  • NoClassDefFoundError: JBossThreadFactory launching from Eclipse

    We have a very strange issue affecting two of our developers (the rest of the team with the same configuration do not have problems).  When they attempt to launch Arquillian tests from within Eclipse (via Run As ...
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    last modified by cpuffalt
  • Debugging Glassfish Managed Container with IntelliJ

    Hi,   I've been looking around for some way to configure IntelliJ to debug the glassfish managed container, but so far it is failing. At the moment I have a run configuration that points to glassfish and glassfi...
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    last modified by izomezzo
  • Can you install the WindowsBuilder?

    windowbuilder plugin in Jboss to create windows more easily, or do you know of a plugin that does the same thing?
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    last modified by joiscadz
  • Could not invoke deploy() method

    Hi   I have a test, i need to create war but i need some dependencies with it.   So i using: <dependency>   <groupId>org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver</groupId>   <artifactId&g...
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    last modified by robyp7
  • How do I add a resource to a Java archive using ShrinkWrap

    My use-case: I am basically adding tests to the open source library TestNG. As part of test, I need to test if TestNG is able to properly work with a jar file and extract out tests from it. Earlier we had a pre-built ...
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    last modified by krmahadevan
  • Starting wildfly 11 with activemq in arquillian fails

    I have testet arquillian with wildfly 11 in standalone-configuration without any problems. But when i start the server with standalone-full.xml I can't get it to work.   I test it with a very simple war-project...
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    last modified by phantumas
  • WELD-001475: Injecting with Arquillian

    H, when i deploy using ShrinkWrap a WebArchive, I get this Exception above, that i dont get when deploy war files manually to Wildfly 10 (and it works perfectly) why?     11:51:08,457 ERROR [org.jboss.msc....
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    created by robyp7
  • arquillian-core-1.1.2.Final-wildfly-1 error when building project

    Hi Guys,   I have downloaded from github version arquillian-core-1.1.2.Final-wildfly-1 and trying to build the project using mvn clean install -DskipTests=true but getting an error     Caused by: java...
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    created by angelo.rlcosta
  • arquillian persistence and multiple persistence units

    Hi,   I try to test a webapp with two persistence units :   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persistence version="2.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w...
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    last modified by yan.langlois
  • Accessing @SessionScoped bean across tests

    I'm having a problem with accessing a @SessionScoped bean across tests. The Arquillian documentation states that session and application scopes are active across all tests, and request scope for individual tests, whic...
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    last modified by mpittkin
  • Integration Test with Arquillian cause Duplicate layer 'base' on Wildfly10

    I have a problem running integration-test with maven failsafe-plugin. Details:   Wildfly 10.1.0.Final running as embedded container (with cargo-maven2-plugin) . JDK 1.8 JEE API 8.0 Arquillian wildfly versi...
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    last modified by robyp7