• Arquillian Transaction Extension

    All,   As a member of the JBoss Transactions team, I've spent some time looking at the transaction extension. From what I have seen so far, I can certainly say that it looks interesting! I have a few queries tha...
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    last modified by paul.robinson
  • Warp: fluent API for request execution - naming

    Warp.execute(ClientAction).verify(ServerAssertion);   There has been two proposals for name change arised recently:   ServerAssertion -> ServerAction https://community.jboss.org/message/763223#763223 ...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Proposal - Interactive datasource debugging

    The problem  In order to debug the state of your database during test execution, you'll often need to execute a chain of expressions in your remote debugging environment. For instance, you might have a reference...
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    created by vineet.reynolds
  • PhantomJS runner project proposal

    In order to run your UI tests headlessly, you can always use HtmlUnitDriver as Selenium backend.   However HtmlUnit suffers from real-world issues:   artifical JavaScript runtime (Rhino) hard time with de...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • ATE: Support multiple providers per suite & transactions per @Test

    Pulling out into a separate discussion from: https://community.jboss.org/message/777483   Problem Currently you can only have one transaction provider per test suite. This is because the particular provider is fo...
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    last modified by paul.robinson
  • ATE: Transaction behavior in @Before and @After

    Pulling out into a separate discussion from: https://community.jboss.org/message/777483   Problem Currently the Arquillian Transaction Extension (ATE) starts the transaction before invoking @Before and then compl...
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    last modified by paul.robinson
  • ATE: General Support for UsingDataSet/ShouldMatchData

    Pulling out into a separate discussion from: https://community.jboss.org/message/777483   Problem The Arquillian Persistence Extension (APE) has a facility for specifying what the DB should look like before and a...
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    created by paul.robinson
  • FluentLenium integration

    Jan Papousek and Mathilde Lemee hacked on an integration between Arquillian Drone and FluentLenium last week at Hackergarten. In the spirit of the event, they committed a working prototype by the days end! Nice work! ...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • Arquillian as Container Controller for Build Systems

    During the hackergarten at Devoxx I sat down with Hans Dockter (mr gradle) and discussed how / what Arquillian and Gradle could do together. The conclusion was basically that the Gradle team does not have the resource...
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    last modified by aslak
  • Default container/group in arquillian.xml enhancements

    Hi All,   while implementing Lukas Fryc's new configuration pattern for better IDE support for Arquillian, I've noticed that current mapping between container and container's configuration is a pita.   The...
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    last modified by kpiwko
  • Arquillian and Transfuse Integration

    Dan Allen, Aslak Knutsen and I had a quick conversation today regarding integration with Transfuse and wanted to share the idea with the community with the hope of further discussion, ideas, collaboration, etc.  ...
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    last modified by johncarl81
  • Alternative property name for browserCapabilities?

    I understand the the W3C (or Selenium) has adopted the term "browserCapabilities" for the string that identifies a browser based on the coordinates of name, version and platform. However, I think this property name is...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • Warp: alternative syntax

    I was thinking about how we could make client/server interaction with Warp more pleasant:   Sequence of methods: https://gist.github.com/3951243   This would work only in case of ordering of methods ensur...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Fixing the semantics of the qualifier attribute in the extension configuration

    Now that I see it's possible to have qualified extension configurations, I think we need to revisit the choice of attribute names for identifiying an extension configuration.   Here's an example of the webdriver...
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    created by dan.j.allen
  • JavaScript testing integration

    I have realized recently that I'm thinking about same question like other folks here:   What if Arquillians could be able to test JavaScript as easily as Java?   (Note that I’m limited here on runnin...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Just a test

    Just to see if I can send a message
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    last modified by chouaffe
  • Problems with Arquillian Setup in an existing Ant-Project

    Hi!   I'm new in this community and I have some problems with integration of arquillian in my existing project. First of all, I will give you a short summary of my used components. The frontend is Flex (4.6), th...
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    last modified by ugiwolf
  • Warp: API proposal for complex executions

    Hey guys,   I have just finished raw proposal of Warp's new API: https://gist.github.com/3933633   which is targetting advanced situations as described in ARQ-967.     I would love to hear your...
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    last modified by lfryc
  • Tiny idea -- class-level @RunAsClient implies 'testable = false' for all @Deployment-s

    Hi,   I started to use Arquillian recently (I'm specifically using Arq 1.0.2.Final and JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final) and somehow, I understood that annotating the class with @RunAsClient is equivalent to marking all @De...
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    last modified by lthon
  • Arquillian Android Container vs. Roboletric

    Hi guys:   Curious: what's the aimed difference between our ARQ Android Container and Roboletric?  Have we talked to those guys at all?     http://pivotal.github.com/robolectric/   S, ALR
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    last modified by alrubinger