• The Ajax4JSF User Forum is locked

    The Ajax4JSF User Forum is locked, and is no longer open for posting. Please use: Design of RichFaces - for development/design related topics RichFaces User - for all user questions and inquiries
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    created by jbalunas
  • How to stop a4j:poll if user is 'away'?

    Hi, I have a page that uses a4j:poll to do periodic refresh. I like to stop the refresh if the user is 'away' - for example no mouse mements for a period of time. I have implemented something similar using prototype...
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    last modified by yeecn
  • a4j:commandButton in DataTable

    hi. I have a a4j:commandButton into a column of dataTable. I want reRender the dataTable when the user press click over the button. The bean is working correctly; I does a system.out.println test and It works, but the...
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    last modified by jalejo08
  • parent Rerendering

    I have a <a4j:commandLink> wrapped in a <a4j:region> and has <a4j:support>. All of the above elements are in <rich:dataTable>. When I click the commandLink. Two components must reRender. One...
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    created by kash_meu
  • <a4j:include> issue when it is added programatically

    Hi, i am new in this forum..., i am developing an application using jsf, and richfaces. I need to add programatically, tabs (HtmlTab class) to a tab panel (HtmlTabPanel class), each tab must show a jsp page, so i use ...
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    created by jmdiaz
  • aj4:mediaOutput doesn't rerender after ajax request

    In my scenario the aj4:mediaOutput component is rendering an captcha image and it should be possible to get another one if user can't read current one. The createContent Attribute calls a method which creates an image...
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    last modified by mkuehle
  • a4j:support + a4j:outputPanel problem

    hello could someone explain please why one of these works and the other doesn't, and if it is expected behavior (although i don't see a reason why it should be): <h:selectOneMenu ... > ... <a4j:support even...
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    last modified by sambolino
  • dtree.js Calendar button doesnt work

    Hello, I'm using a Java Script tree menu called dtree. When I use it on a page and I do a rerender of a rich:calendar, the Calendar Button doesnt open the calender popup. <rich:calendar value="#{academy.toDate}" ...
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    last modified by ralf.mueller
  • AjaxButton and MethodBinding generated by code

    i use jboss 4.2.2 GA with seam 2.0.2 i got a dynamic page, the components are generate by code. i got some error with AjaxButton the creation code is like this HtmlAjaxCommandButton ajaxbutton = new HtmlAjaxCom...
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    last modified by ajanz
  • reRendering problem

      <a4j:region > <h:panelGroup id="valuesList"> <h:inputText id="limit" value="#{balance.limit}" required="true" requiredMessage="Limit Required" validatorMessage="Not In Range. Range : 0.0 - 99999...
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    created by paul.williams
  • Adding resources for custom components

    Hi, I'm developing a CDK-based custom component and looking for information on how to register resources. The component would need access to a css file and and js library whenever it is placed on a page. I found cla...
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    created by nickarls
  • Page is refreshed after each Ajax call

    I have <rich:dataTable> and for each row I have a checkbox <h:selectBooleanCheckbox> , when I click on the checkbox it creates new Ajax request with <a4j:support> and afterwards refreshes the page, i...
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    last modified by aparij
  • Rerendering input elements without loosing input

    Hi all! I'm using a4j to enable/disable some calendar input field based on the value of a selection box. I do this by using the following code (simplified) <h:selectOneListbox size="1" value="#{mybean.variant}"&...
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    last modified by matinh
  • internationalization of countries and cities

    How can I implement internationalization of countries and cities in these countries? Are there any text or xml documents available in the internet? What I want to do is: List element with countries -> after selecti...
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    created by cocolino
  • selectOneMenu disabled after opening popup by rerendering

    Hi, I'm not sure of bug is between chair and keyboard but: Ihave templated page with Facelets: on the status bar there is selectOneMenu with populated names. On main page is popup which is opened by rerendiring and ...
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    last modified by kechup
  • link components lose their children on ajax reRender

    Hi, I couldn't work this out, so hopefully someone can help me :) If I have a link tag with children (specifically a div) and an ajax poll that reRenders the outputPanel with which the link is inside of then the reR...
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    last modified by gothmog
  • a4j:KeepAlive with Spring JDBC

    I have a datatable that I am trying to update from the db using a ajax request. I am attempting to use a4j:KeepAlive in my jsp to keep my request bean alive. Everything appears to work well until I attempt access the ...
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    created by tonyfrench
  • Tomahawk data table header a4j:commandLink - ajaxSingle=true

    If I use a a4j:commandLink with ajaxSingle set to true inside the header facet of a tomahawk datatable , no re-rendering is done. If I set it to false, everything is false. Is that a problem on my side or is it a bug?...
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    last modified by roku
  • a4j:support don't invoke action within rich:fileUpload

    Hi all. I have some troubles with <rich:fileUpload>. 1) if i put <a4j:support action="#{test.actionTest}"> in it, this action is not invoked. 2) some fields are changed during request, but client not refre...
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    last modified by le_chat
  • Huge ajax responses??

    I have noticed that all of my ajax4jst forms have a jsf_state_64 and a jsf_tree_64 input fields that have values 2000+ characters long. Is this really necessary? I have also looked at the responses from simple ajax up...
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    last modified by dustismo