• Rerendering HTML5 content with a4j:jsFunction brakes markup

    I am working in JSF2 project and faced the error, which breaks native HTML5 tags display in the browser. So, what I have:   <a4j:form id="myForm"> <a4j:jsFunction name="myFunction" actionListener="#{my...
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    last modified by manakor
  • Richfaces with webservice - UI

    Hi,   I'm trying to a develop for given wsdl. Java Object conversion done through cxf and I have the root element to pass it on UI component.   Have to display in a parent tab and childs tab according t hi...
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    last modified by techie2k
  • a4jcommandbutton not calling setters under IE, works fine under firefox

    JSP page do not have the correct values due to the setters are not called when tested under IE
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    created by shemy
  • Selection size in rich:extendeddatatable

    Hi All,          I'm using rich:extendedDatatable. My requirement is if I'm doing mutli selection, I have to disable a button and if there is only one selection, the button should be ena...
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    created by aki8806
  • Ajax request time out

    Hi,        Am using a commandlink and onclick of that am doing some processing which is taking some time(appro.4mins). Onclick of the link am opening a modal panel to show the user a processing im...
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    last modified by ravi.kuchika
  • ValueChangeListener is refreshing the page

    Hi All,        We have a typical scenario where we need to display a selectOneMenu based on the value of another selectOneMenu. The valueChangeListener in a selectOneMenu enables the flag to ...
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    last modified by ganilkumar
  • <rich:menuItem  submitMode="ajax" ignoreDupResponses="true" /> Duplicate requests are firing

    Once i click on Menu Item getting data from backend it is taking around 6 seconds because of huge data around 5,000 records, mean while one more duplicate request is friring to backend without click after every five m...
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    last modified by ravi.kuchika
  • Rerender problem in a4j:commandlink

    Hi,     I have a problem of rerendering the page using a4:commandLink.   the problem is on click of the a4j:commanlLink am rerendering some data(may be huge) which is not rendering at all.   Al...
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    last modified by ravi.kuchika
  • Ajax request in RichFaces

    Hi,   Can any one tell me why am seeing the below _.jsf urls in my source code.   <link class="component" href="/..../a4j/s/3_3_2.SR1org/richfaces/renderkit/html/css/ extended_classes.xcss/DATB/eAFrvajd...
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    created by ravi.kuchika
  • selection is empty for rich:orderinglist

    <rich:orderingList value="#{myBean.favoriteItems}" selection="#{myBean.selectedFavoriteItems}" var="fav" <rich:column id="favoritescol"> <a4j:outputPanel> <h:outputText id="favoriteid" value="#{...
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    created by winsterjose
  • keepalive only after restore view

    hi all, I would like to use keepalive in the same page and with the same bean as the t:aliasbean from tomahawk. Something like ... <a4j:keepAlive beanName="mybean" /> ... <t:aliasBean alias="#{aBean}" val...
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    last modified by ronanker
  • Ajax with JSF and Facelets

    Hi,        I am using ajax4jsf with Facelets. Using a template (Template.xhtml) I have 2 xhtmls(one.xhtml and two.xhtml). My question is I want to navigate from one.xhtml to two.xhtml withou...
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    last modified by ravi.kuchika
  • Transaction is not active : ActionStatus.ABORTED

    Hi,   I have a scheduler, which issues a query into database and flushes the result in a file and downloads it in the folder. The program works well in my local server but I get this error when deployed in the d...
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    created by sharan
  • JBOSS and soap

    Hello,   I have access to soap services.   How can JBOSS be configured to access them?   TIA
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    created by d0mufasa
  • Binding doesn't work inside a4j:repeat

    i have list of  beans  for each bean i have to create 2 dynamic input text box and 1 selectone menu and 1 extended data table. and in the on change event for the select one menu i call an action that create ...
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    last modified by rica
  • late rerender of radiobutton in JSF on a list

    I have a set of Radio buttons (h:selectoneradio). A list next to it changes as per the selection of radio btn. But it takes atleast 2 seconds or more to rerender in the list. Is there any solution for this problem? (T...
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    last modified by moulali
  • Error JavaScript in JSF Portlet When use Richfaces!

    Hello Everybody! I'm a student come from VietNam! I'm studying about Richface framework! I had got a problem in JSF(Richface) Portlet when I used JavaScript! That problem is : I could not get a value into a <h:...
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    created by phanthang1988
  • Cookie in Ajax Response deleted.. ?

    Hi I'm trying for many hours to solve this problem. I found no docu about that. I just try to add some cookies in a AJAX Respond. But it does not work. I also tried to put some headers into the response ("set-cookie...
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    last modified by rosi75
  • a4j:poll happens in sequence or in parallel for reRender

    Im using a4j:poll for polling to perform few activities on the screen. I have all the activities defined in the reRender attribute and wanted to know whether the polling happens in sequence or in parallel for all the ...
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    created by shivanand_a_g
  • add Method in faces config

    hello, is it possible to execute a method inside faces config? i mean method execute by faces config
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    last modified by nka