• Pooled Invoker - Client to Server Thread Association

    Can anyone tell me what type of association there is between client threads and server threads when using the pooled invoker. My assumption is that there would be a thread allocated from the pool for each client thre...
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    created by mike.chack
  • Tomcat 4.2 integration with JBoss 4.0.3

    Dear all, Please help me. Our existing application is running on Tomcat 4.2. We are trying to integrate tomat 4.2 with the jBoss 4.0.3. can anybody suggest me something to achive this. thanks -Naveen vermanaveen@ho...
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    last modified by vermanaveen76
  • JBoss 3.2.5 Deployment Errors

    Hi Experts, i am using JBoss 3.2.5 and Apache2 with mod_jk. When i deploy my ear file in jboss by using ./run.sh -c all these are the errors i got can any one help me out from this. 12:00:15,061 ERROR [STDERR] [Fata...
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    last modified by srinivasmurthymp
  • MBean Servlet

    My requirement would be to create a separate UI for monitoring my MBeans other than the one provided by JBOSS. Any suggestions on this would be very much appreciated
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    created by robinjacob
  • JAAS/JBoss unexpected behavior with authenticated but unauth

    I've set up a test case for a user that is successfully authenticated but that is not authrorized by the security-constraint to access a servlet. I've tested other form basedlogin behavior and got the expected resuts....
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    created by blackard
  • Connection pool problem:No ManagedConnections available

    Hi, In my application the connections are INACTIVE over an extended period of time, resulting in no managed connection available exception. From the application point of view closejdbc call is made and the connectio...
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    created by nivedit.tyagi
  • How to load property in different package in jboss 3.2.7

    Hi, I am running my application successfully in jboss 4.0.1. But the problem is while i shift it to jboss 3.2.7 I am stuck It does not find my property file which is in different file e.g I am calling the file through...
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    created by inderpal
  • Primary key generation in Jboss Using Entity Commands

    Hi All, I have a problem in Multi- Threaded Environment. I have multiple threads running at the same time to collect the data from different source and store it the table using ejb create method. When i use Primary ke...
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    created by sivakumar_n
  • specifying the CLASSPATH within an EAR application

    Hi all, I have a JAR file, containing EJBs, called myejb.jar, a WAR file called mywar.war and they are in an EAR file called myear.ear. How should I specify the Class-Path attribute in the WAR's MANIFEST.MF to can us...
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    created by graflaszlo
  • Without the practice, the theory is not used for large thing

    On re-inventing the wheel without technical support and other gems: http://www.ybet.be/en-hardware-2-17/hardware-firewall.htm
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    created by treespace
  • xml.transform fails when war file is deployed in JBOSS 4.0.3

    Hi, We have a small application written in java1.4.2 sdk deployed initially with JBOSS 4.0.2. It was working fine. Now we have upgraded JBoss version to 4.0.3 SP1 and the application doesnot work anymore. After invest...
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    created by smani
  • Can jboss notify other web apps when deploy changed jar file

    Hi, I'm now using JBoss3.2.2, i have a web app named "myweb.war" and some comon classes "common.jar". myweb.war will using common.jar classes, and common.jar will often changed. I deploy them to deploy directory, i...
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    created by peterbeijing
  • which it's port of connect using corba?

    Helllo, i've this piece of code: final int NUM_MSGS = 1; try { System.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost", ""); System.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort", "3720"); System.setProperty("com.s...
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    created by katador
  • JBoss shared files

    Hello, i have an web application who stores *.csv files on the same machine where jboss is running. So i want to make this files public for any users. I try to make a hyperlink to this files. But i can't access this f...
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    last modified by odw-mher
  • why Message Driven Bean is not called

    I am new to use ejb3.0' message bean in jboss. I am creating a pojo client as producer and write a ejb MDB to receive the messages, but it looks like producer working fine, there are not any exception come out, but th...
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    created by hfan1
  • Clustered env and parital upgrade of app

    We have a clustered JBoss-4.0.3 env The site can never come down (well that is a requirement from up top..go figure..that critical :-) Here is the issue:- When it is time to upgrade/update with new ear, one set of clu...
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    created by ameelin
  • how to run portlets in jboss (like jetspeed in tomcat)

    hi bosses, please tell me that how to run portlets in jboss. now in my project we are using "jetspeed " to run portlets in tomcat . but we want to change it to jboss . before that we want to confirm , what is the tool...
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    created by srikanthk
  • how to run portlets in jboss (like jetspeed in tomcat)

    hi bosses, please tell me that how to run portlets in jboss. now in my project we are using "jetspeed " to run portlets in tomcat . but we want to change it to jboss . before that we want to confirm , what is the tool...
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    created by srikanthk
  • SQLGrammarException with JBoss 4.0.3 SP1, MySQL 4.1.13

    Hallo, we have a problem creating tables using JBoss 4.0.3 SP1, MySQL 4.1.13 on Solaris . Following exception occurs Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException at $Proxy0.createStatu...
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    created by schacky
  • SQLGrammarException with JBoss 4.0.3 SP1, MySQL 4.1.13 on So

    Hallo, we have a problem creating tables using the in the subject mentioned configurations. Following exception occurs at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:188) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadC...
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    created by schacky