• LDAP config

    Hello, I have to test my security configuration from a page "test.jsp". I've configured an org.jboss.security.auth.spi.LdapExtLoginModule in the login-config.xml called EUROP_LDAP_AUTH. How can i get the properties of...
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    last modified by gonzaloamigo
  • Datasource connection timeout

    Hi, We're using pooled database connections through JBoss 4 connecting to an Ingres database. Everything works fine when the system first starts up, connections successfully contact the database and get reused via th...
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    last modified by ben_ben
  • Unable to passivate stateful session bean

    In JBoss 4.0.3 SP 1 a stateful session bean is not passivated after the calling client has terminated while a bean method is being executed. Instead, server log shows the warning message 2006-07-28 10:58:21,161 WARN [...
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    created by msdanner
  • DEBUG Exception really bother us...

    Any Help on this will be greate help And ADVANCE THANKS.... The Below DEBUG Exception was really bothering us as it is reapting for every 30seconds and this making us debuging other issues as nightmare... 2006-07-0...
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    created by vallamkondu
  • Unable to passivate due to ctx lock

    hi everyone, i got the same pb in jboss 4.0.3 SP1 i use a stateless session bean to access my entity beans, when i trying to retrieve my entity using findByPrimaryKey, jboss give me 'Unable to passivate due to ctx loc...
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    created by vigong
  • XML Schema & DSL

    Hi, I would appriciate any help. I am getting the folowing: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'plan:condition'. This is my .xsd file snipit: <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www....
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    last modified by culpepperthomas
  • Help me, how to connect oracle database on JBoss 3.5.2 using

    Hi I tried as follows to connect to oracle database but i got exceptions I wrote the oracle-ds.xml as follow. My Jboss version is 3.5.2 <local-tx-datasource> <jndi-name>OracleDS</jndi-name> ...
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    created by veeappserver
  • Data Source Configuration Issue

    Hi, Suddenly my Jboss application server is facing the below problem. Did i miss out any jar files accidentally? Please help me , i stuck with this... 20:43:00,317 INFO [ServiceConfigurator] Problem configuring ser...
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    last modified by maamohan
  • how to package sar in ear file

    Hi, my.sar is working properly if copying it into /deploy, but I want to package it into a ear file. the way what I did was: in /META-INF/ jboss-app.xml: <jboss-app> sche.sar </jboss-app> applicatio...
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    last modified by john_woo
  • Throwable while attempting to get a new connection: null

    Hi folks, I have 30 threads running, then they update the the databse almost same time in Jboss 4.0.2, I got this exception 2006-03-15 11:34:51,341 74020 WARN [org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.JBossManagedConn...
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    last modified by chwang
  • XP+JBOSS 4.0+mySQL JMX problems

    Hi All, I'm trying to configure MySQL 4.0 (on a remote m/c) with JBOSS 4.0 + XP I'm not able to get Persistence working at all... Do I need to do anything different? If you have configured JBOSS 4.0 on WIndows XP wi...
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    created by raviies
  • Trouble with Sybase datasource

    When trying to connect using my sybase datasource, i'm getting the following: ... various starup crap... CVSTag=JBoss_4_0_3_SP1 date=200510231054)] Started in 31s:406ms 15:33:46,765 INFO [STDOUT] GG: Before get conne...
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    last modified by ggreaves
  • Help required for writing Outbound communication RA using JB

    Hi I want to write a resource adapter for outbiund communication using MessageConnectionFactory. Please provide me with relevent instructions or pointers to online help. Thanks
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    created by manish237
  • FileNotFountException when I re-deploy my web app,why????

    I am user jbossAS jboss-4.0.2 In my app, i put one resource file (xyz.properties) in $jboss.server.home.dir/conf! my webapp while load it by thread context classpath,then I deploy my war in $jboss.server.home.dir/dep...
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    created by yangjs
  • Bean refuses to use custom datasource in jbosscmp-jdbc.xml

    Hello, i wrote a very simple Entity Bean with a few cmp fields. I want the bean to store the fields in my postgreSQL database. I have put the postgres-ds.xml properly into the deploy folder with JNDI name PostgresDS. ...
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    last modified by squishy
  • SQLServer Connection Pooling

    Hi, i'm trying to stablish a connection pool with a SQLServer DB. The problem i'm getting is that even setting the max-pool-size parameter to 50, there are a lot more connections stablished. I am guessing that i sho...
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    created by robertovieira
  • DROOLS help needed

    hai everyone, please send me the following , i am using eclipse IDE, i just want how to configure drools in my eclipse, how to start working on drools.. source code for using rules at runtime in jboss server... i...
  • Which file should I change if I want to keep compiled file d

    Hi, all I have a question about compiling jsp file. The compiled jsp files will be deleted from "work" directory if we close jboss server. It causes low performance after we reboot Jboss. Is there any parameter in Jbo...
  • distributed transactions

    the disadvantage that we have is that the transaction this not doing neither commit, nor rollback, nor displays exceptions. the states of the transaction are 0 after initiates and 6 after the commit and rollback. when...
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    created by cagean
  • Developing Business Rules for JBoss

    AL&FA BDI would like to announce that MABLE - J2EE Business Rule/Logic Engine for JBoss is under free software license ! Create sophisticated business rules, use SOA and enjoy free software ! Free MABLE for JBoss,...
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    created by alisher