• lookupLocally failed for comp

    OK, gimme a hint.. I am a JBoss newbie. But, I have figured out by now that the JBoss naming service (out of the box) does not provide a standard JNDI ENC to all the client programs of an applciation. Or, it would p...
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    last modified by dsconnelly
  • Memory leak with lots of beans

    Q: I'm getting out of memory problems when I create a lot of beans, how can I solve the memory leak? A: This problem is fixed in version 2.4.4.
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • I'm using JBoss 3.0.1+ and can't connect to 8082 anymore!

    Q: I've downloaded the latest JBoss version (3.0.1 or newer) and everything seems to start up just fine but I can't connect to JMX HTML adaptor at port 8082 anymore. What gives?! A: In JBoss 3.0.1 and newer releases ...
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    last modified by juha
  • Build Fail

    Please Help me !!! When I build development server release JBOSS from CVS and then Build Fail... Log build file like below ( see Bold type ) configure: configure-libraries: configure-modules: configure-defaults: ...
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    last modified by frank10000
  • Loading JBoss as service on Linux 7.1

    salvaged from one of the forums, might be useful to store if it's not already here: http://www.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/download/61-10542-3732646-694/start-jboss http://www.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloa...
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    created by juha
  • I strongly recommend this dev config

    check out: http://www.purposesolutions.com/Resources/EclipseJ2EE.html
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    last modified by alexspetty
  • API documentation for JBoss classes

    Hi all, I cannot seem to locate any API documentation for JBoss classes. Does anyone know where I can locate them? For example, in the JBoss documentation online, they often refer to JBoss classes, and sometimes even...
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    last modified by irenekam
  • How to configure JBOSS 3.0.3 with integrated Catalina 4.1.12

    How to configure JBOSS 3.0.3 with integrated Catalina 4.1.12 as NT Service See Attached:
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    created by alexspetty
  • Versions of packaged libraries (e.g. log4j)

    Is there any documentation on the versions of packaged libraries like log4j.jar, crimson.jar, jaxp.jar etc.? I think this would be quite helpful...
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    last modified by holtsch
  • Looking for free MSSQL7 driver

    Hi, Anyone have a free mssql7 driver that they have used and recommend. I have one for sybase but not for mssql7. P.S. I'm using JBOSS 3.0.2 thanks Alex
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    last modified by alexb
  • Creating CMP beans from the existing databse

    Hello, world! Is there a tool for creating CMP beans and xml descriptors from the existing database/UML model? With respect, Cyberax
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    last modified by cyberax
  • How to integrate JBoss v3.0 with JBuilder 6.0 Enterprise ?

    Hi, Can anybody please advise me how to integrate JBoss v3.0 & Tomcat 4.0.2 with Borland's JBuilder v6.0. Maybe you can post just a screen shots of the relevant forms. Thanks, Dejan
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    last modified by corovicd
  • Getting sources for a released JBoss version from CVS

    (juha contributed:) Q: I want to pull the sources from the CVS and build my distribution manually. How do I know which branch and tags to use? A: The CVS tag naming conventions that we use are described in detail on...
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    last modified by tobias
  • How do you pick a specific branch in CVS?

    I run JBoss from a linux server and use the native CVS that installs from Redhat. I can download jboss-all by following the instructions from this site, however I would like to know how to download a specific branch,...
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    last modified by kdecelle
  • Troubleshooting

    I'll use this thread to collect hints for a troubleshooting huide/section/whatever. Feel free to amend it with useful tips. Unanswered question will be deleted from this thread.
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    last modified by tobias
  • Problems with IBM JDK 1.3.x

      "Tobias" wrote: Q: Why doesn't JBoss run on my machine properly ? I see a lot of error message while the server startup process. I am using IBM JDK 1.3.x. A: There might be a problem with long file name and th...
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    last modified by tobias
  • How to secure the JMX management console ?

    Q: How to secure the JMX management console on port 8082 ? Also: (by MikeFinn) The JMX-HTML Adaptor MBean (from Sun jmxtools.jar) does not allow the specification of a bind address - only a port, and max # of clients....
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    last modified by tobias
  • DTD URIs

    Can anyone point me to the jboss.xml, jbosscmp-jdbc.xml, jboss-web.xml document type definitions (DTDs)? I want to put the correct URIs in my <!DOCTYPE header elements. They used to be at http://jboss.org/j2ee/dtd...
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    last modified by pluellen
  • How to disable Jetty from JBoss 3 ?

    (from juha:) Q: How do I disable Jetty in my JBoss 3.x distribution? A: Remove the jetty-plugin.sar from your server's deploy directory. Altenatively, if you only want to change the port number Jetty is responding t...
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    last modified by tobias
  • Speed difference between integrated and stand-alone servlet

    (juha wrote:) Q: What is the speed difference between an embedded servlet container vs. separate process containers. A: The difference is roughly 5 to 10 times faster performance with embedded servlet container. The...
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    created by tobias