• How to deploy JBoss mail services to Jboss AS

    i am working on CentOS 4.2 and my server also working on CentOS 4.2. Now It's already running jboss AS. I want to know how to deploy or install Jboss mail server on my server. Please if you can reply me soon.
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  • Release 1.0 and IMAP?

    Until now, there is really no open source java mail server with IMAP capabilities. Apache James seams to be dead. Actually, my production mail server is Postfix and Courier IMAP but I'm strongly interested in porting ...
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    last modified by jschlier
  • Problems when process mail

    Hi, I have developped a Mail Listener that process the MailBody. When i try to read the content of the mail body doing that MailBody body = smtpMessage.getMailBody(); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutput...
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    last modified by evidal
  • Status of things

    I'd like to take this chance to bring everyone up to date on the status of JBMS. It may look like we're in a lull but that could not be further from the truth. The main development that is happening: SpecMail/Benchm...
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    created by acoliver
  • Timeout and aggressive connection reaping

    Hey all, I just committed timeout and aggressive connection reaping in the HEAD. A few changes. For one, thread pools can be shared among mulitiple ServerMBean (which I plan to rename Service real soon) instances. For...
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    created by acoliver

    Hi friends, the mail server have any cost or any restriction for implementation...? Thanks Luis
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    last modified by luistelles
  • Small bug in org.jboss.mail.mailbox.MessageData

    I found a small bug in org.jboss.mail.mailbox.MessageData.semiColize(). Basically, this function takes a MailAddress array, and is supposed to return a string containing the addresses. The function appears to work pr...
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    last modified by sappenin
  • installation problem

    hi, i tried to walking through the installer (both running the jar and via webstart). i took almost all the defaults. the only things that i entered were 1 local domain called 'localhost' and 2 users 'bert' and 'ern...
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    last modified by tom.baeyens
  • flex target

      Andrew-Olivers-Computer-3:~/projects/jboss/jboss-mail/head/arontest/jboss-mail acoliver$ ant webmail-warusing /usr/bin/ant Buildfile: build.xml prepare: [echo] jbhome=/Users/acoliver/projects/jboss/jboss-ma...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Problem with accessing the size of a message.

    I'm playing around with JBMS some more, and it appears that JBMS is having some trouble with the following JavaMail POP3 calls. Specifically, the ejb3 org.jboss.mail.mailbox.Folder.messages code (I'm running JBMS 1.0...
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    last modified by sappenin
  • Build Broken when compiling calendar

    As of this morning (after getting a clean copy of the latest source from CVS), the build seems broken. It fails on line 13 in the calendar.build.xml with the message: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.dom4j.io.Outpu...
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    last modified by uromahn
  • Found some IMAP code to lift

    I was finding implementing IMAP a bit painful using the simple command structure that we used for POP and SMTP. IMAP is more of a mini line langauge than anything else. So I was going to write a parser with ANTLR but ...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Volunteers Wanted (HOW TO GET INVOLVED)

    Okay so I've been getting mails telling me about various deployments and helping people out with problems. In general I do prefer those be posted here in this forum, but it is a different convention than most of the J...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Flex demo video

    Interesting but the video is a good demo of "how not to film a presentation" but its still watchable. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4762944544960468107&q=flex+flash For those of you interested in getti...
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    created by acoliver
  • Don't find jboss.mail section.

    Hello Guru, After install install-jbms-1.0m4-final.jar, I can't find jboss.mail section when run http://localhost:8080/jmx-console in ie. Why? Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance. yoyo
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  • Can I deploy JBMS to other J2ee application server. e.g. EAS

    Can I deploy JBMS to other J2ee application server. e.g. EAServer? Thanks in advance. yoyo
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  • Polite request

    I know you don't have a final release yet, but these are the dev forums/mailing list. "Because JBMS is still in an early milestone (although it is already seeing corporate use), all users are seen as developers :-)."...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • IRC

    So the droolz guys say that IRC is just the bomb. It takes me back a ways... Anyhow I've set up a #jbms channel on irc.freenode.net. Please feel free to join and discuss JBoss Mail Server etc. If the channel isn't the...
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    created by acoliver
  • Problems with ....

    I am trying to migrate all necessary deployments and I am stucking with the mail server: firstly I tried to take the mail.ear (a already compiled one from the all-in-all jar) in order to deploy it under a AS4.03SP1. T...
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    last modified by hannes
  • JMXTestTask driving me nuts

    Since the last refactoring of the unit tests I've not been able to get the tests to ever run. I always get things like: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory at java.ne...
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    last modified by acoliver