• JBoss Licensing

    Hi Can i distribute JBoss along with my application to my client? What are the licnesing conditions? Sudhi
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    last modified by sudhindraks
  • J2EE Analysis Tool

    I was wondering if anyone can recommend a J2EE analysis tool(or subset tool). I've used mc4j to analyze the JMX layer(not to mention jmx-console and web-console). I'd really like something that would allow me to anal...
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    created by ioparra
  • Possible to store object into JNDI permanently?

    I wanted to store objects into JNDI, but whenever I deploy my web-application again or restart server, all data just get wipe out, I was wondering is there some way to configure that I can serialize objects permanentl...
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    last modified by forshahzaib
  • Is there a Jive developper here?

    Just to let you know: If we put a non US-letter in the forum (let's say a french letter with an accent) I got a NullPointerException Regards, Stephane
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    last modified by stephanenicoll
  • JBoss Hosting

    Just wanting to get people's opinions on JBoss hosting solutions. I'm currently using JCentric, but it has been less than reliable. I'm considering moving. I need a solution that: 1. has ssh access. 2. has reasonab...
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    last modified by vbfischer
  • JBoss Resources

    Okay a rough draft of a collection of JBoss Resources is at: http://www.freeroller.net/page/shareme/JBossResources Its not the most complete in the world but it comes close to what you might be looking for..
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    created by shareme
  • adventure builder demp and jboss

    can anyone please help me in deploying the adventure builder demo and running it in jboss my heartfelt thanks in advance..
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    created by arnabpal
  • what to do next

    I have posted a few questions in the beginners corner and it was not answered. I am wondering what i should do next. I thought maybe its not being posted in the appropriate forum but then cross posting is bad isn't it...
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    last modified by terablot
  • Forrester says: Linux/J2EE causes colon cancer...

    http://www.theserverside.com/home/thread.jsp?thread_id=21370 A Forrester research project, funded by Microsoft inc., has determined that developing software using a Linux/J2EE development environment increases a deve...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Forums lacking printing of topics

    Why is printing of a topic in a forum not possible? This is *REALLY* annoying. Thanks, Jacob Dall
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    last modified by eurisco
  • JBoss-3.0.8 Bug?

    I downloaded jboss-3.0.8-tomcat-4.1.24 bundle from the sourceforge website. When i tried to start it up, it gave a "SetVerbosityLevel" NPE on embeddedcatalalina server. I had to change the verbosityLevel in tomcat41-...
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    last modified by raja05
  • JDJ Poll

    JBoss was in the lead at the end of voting on August 31 and now, not surprisingly, they've extended the voting out until December 31.
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    last modified by ggreaves
  • JBoss training in Malaysia

    I am just curious, is there any JBoss business partner in Malaysia that can provides training.
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    last modified by scttu
  • 1000

    Done. I am no longer answering any questions. See ya.
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    last modified by juha
  • Marc Fleury

    I was reading the article by Michael Singer "Q&A JBoss" and I was wondering, since your company is based on an open source product, how do you make money? It is just a curiosity to me. Dan
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    last modified by dbonin1599
  • JBoss4.0 problem

    I've a fully tested and working application on JBoss 3.2. If i try to deploy the application on JBOss 4.0, It gives me problems; the application is deployed but if I try to access the application from a client (a plai...
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    last modified by damiano.altomare
  • apache to the rescue

    finally we will have an app server that is: 1.) j2ee certified 2.) will have an outstanding gui. i mean give me a break with the jmx-console.
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    last modified by apacheguy
  • Apache j2ee

    Just reading articles http://lwn.net/Articles/42631/ http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/wlg/3613 About the new Apache licenses app server that is apparently going to be developed. Apparantley drawing on ideas/code (?) from...
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    last modified by joelvogt
  • MySQL license

    Hi, Just wanted an opinion from a different perspective. We have an application running on jboss using MySQL as the datasource. The application also uses MySQL through jdbc for some faster lookups. Now I want to sell...
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    last modified by joelvogt
  • Need a JBoss Guru

    If you consider urself a Jboss Guru, with an extensive experience in Jboss as Data Architect, Application Architect as well as a Admin Support, I may have a short assignment for u. Please contact atul@vectorconsulting...
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    last modified by atayal