• Another live JBoss/Nukes site

    I finished porting our open-source user group site to JBoss/Nukes. Check it out: www.scosug.org It's running on a fairly low-end system (AMD K6-2 300) and uses Debian GNU/Linux, PostgreSQL, and is fronted by Apache ...
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    last modified by cuoz
  • build error 1.1 RC

    I got some errors whil ebuilding the lates snapshot Steps: 1. downloaded this morning (8/10/04) latest snap shot 2. copied etc/mysql.properties to build/local.properties 3. added one line to localproperties: nukes.d...
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    last modified by ellanti
  • Help: post that always be in the first position

    Hi Somwbody know how I can create a post that always be in the first position of all the topics in the forum?? For example see the POST "Announcement: nukes 1.1RC2 available" ins this forum. Tx, JaimeS
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    last modified by jaime
  • prueba

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    created by jaime
  • HtmlBlock permission pattern?

    What pattern do you use for a basic HtmlBlock (designed with manageHTML module) that would only contain some html page? I thought :: would be enough, but I tried also blockname:: and even .*:.*:.* and .*:: without suc...
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    last modified by ninus2
  • http and https front ends for nukes

    I am planning to port another site to nukes and would like to have the following setup: 2 hosts: http://www.mydomain.com and https://secure.mydomain.com I'm planning to use apache to front-end jboss with. So both ho...
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    created by cuoz
  • Blogs in Nukes?

    Hi to All! i downloaded nukes and was able to deploy it, but to find that it does not include a BLOG as a module as the live sample here in Jboss.org has. my question is can i include if posible the Blog to my Nukes,...
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    created by gerryjun
  • nukes and cocoon

    Hi, I'm looking for some information to make jboss nukes to serve some xml with cocoon to create the html using its engine. Is there anyone using it? Thanks a lot
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    created by newbeewan
  • Contextual menus

    Can anybody give a short hint for making the contextual menus work? Don't understand the /a/b/c -> /a/b/_menu thing. thanks.
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    last modified by pergolesi
  • Is MySQL 4.0.1 supported?

    Hi I have tried to deplyed both 1.1 RC2 and 1.0 on MySQL 4.0 and could not deploy the bb component. Moreover, test.ddl that for the component fails too. Do we support MySQL 4.0? ==== more info ==== When a table i...
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    last modified by vbrodsky
  • Importing data to forums

    I recently completed porting our open-source user group website to nukes (it's not live yet). We have a few years of mail-list archives that we would like to import, if possible. Anybody have ideas on this? Did the JB...
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    last modified by cuoz
  • Quick way to upload multiple files...?

    Is there any way to suck-up an entire directory structure into nukes persistance? Seems like it would be an useful hack if not.
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    last modified by milesparker
  • how to deploy nukes 1.1rc2 on jboss 4.0.0?

    Hi, I know it does not work - seems to be a jdk 1.5 rt.jar issue with the jmx-implementation (same as with running jboss 3.2.3 on jdk 1.5?)... What can I do (except removing the jmx-classes from the jar) to get nukes ...
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    created by invisiblemage
  • Postgres related issues with CVS from 7/28

    I FINALLY got some time to get back to playing with nukes. I'm running on Debian linux with Postgresql. I installed yesterday's snapshot and had some minor issues during install. I'll let you know if I find any issue...
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    last modified by cuoz
  • 1.1 RC2 or 1.0?

    Hi, We are building a relatively complex community site due mid-October. Would like to use Jnuke. Should we stick with 1.0.0 or go for 1.1.RC2 in anticipation of the release? What does 1.1 add? I am a newbie, if ...
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    last modified by vbrodsky
  • java.io.FileNotFoundException

    Evidently my last post created an error in the system, so I've disabled HTML. Anyway, I'm still receiving the following error. I'm assuming it's a configuration problem, so I've also included my nukes directory struc...
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    last modified by sklakken
  • Use of HTML Block

    I've added a new HTML block to my site. What file is it looking to display? I checked the jmx-console for the new block, but I don't know how to specify what file I would like to show up in that block. I expected to s...
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    last modified by cuoz
  • java.io.FileNotFoundException

    Evidently my last post created an error in the system, so I've disabled HTML. Anyway, I'm still receiving the following error. I'm assuming it's a configuration problem, so I've also included my nukes directory struc...
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    created by sklakken
  • AbstractDeploymentScanner Errot

    Hello, I am trying to deploy Nukes using a Compiere instance, and receive the following error. Basically, what I did was: 1) Copied the 'nukes' subdirectory from the nukes-1.1.0-mysql-RC2.zip into \compiere2\jboss\s...
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    last modified by sklakken
  • HTML management permissions

    I created an account for myself and added the account to the ADMIN group. But, I am not able to 'manage html' as I get a permission denied. Shouldn't I be able to do everything the 'admin' user can do by being added t...
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    created by cuoz