• NukesTemplateTutorial

    Templates are easy to use :   Create a file that is your template, this file contains some html and some special tags <!-- BEGIN example1 --> <div class="box"> This is an {EXAMPLE} </div> ...
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    last modified by waldi
  • Problem deploying Nukes 1.1

    Hi, I have followed the instructions in install.txt which it found in C:\JAVA\nukes-1.1.0-RC3-mysql upon download of the files at http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/jboss/nukes-1.1.0-RC3-mysql.zip?download The insta...
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    last modified by rasped
  • News Admin - Error creating a new topic

    I am running on Linux and using 'jboss-3.2.3_nukes-1.1.0-RC3.zip : Standalone Nukes 1.1.0 RC3' build. When I try to create a new topic (logging in as 'admin' and using 'News Admin') I am getting the following error. ...
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    created by kdaal
  • jboss-3.2.3_nukes-1.1.0-RC3 doesn't boot

    Hi I downloaded Nukes + JBoss Bundle to give it a try, but I can't make it run. I get this error all the time and don't know what to do with it. I'm running Win XP Eng SP2, any ideas? I've got jboss 4.0 as well and i...
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    created by me3x
  • Error in Downloads Module

    I am using Nukes 1.1 on JBoss 3.2.3 with MySQL 4.1.7 when I start it up I am getting an error in the downloads module starting. It can not create a table that it needs. Has anybody run across this before and what can ...
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    last modified by kdavey
  • nukes-installer problem

    Below is an excerpt from the error I get when I try to install MySql into Nukes. Waht am I doing wrong? 21:36:57,965 INFO [STDOUT] path = /WEB-INF/setup/mysql.xml 21:36:58,122 ERROR [STDERR] java.sql.SQLException: Sy...
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    last modified by zam62
  • Error with creating tables.

    Got this error after I logged in and selected the 'Download' link. I also received it on a few others. I am running Nukes on Mysql 4.0. org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Error while creating table nuke_downlo...
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    created by zam62
  • How to Change default index.html to news module in center up

    What is the process to change the view of a default page when you land on a Nukes site to display the news module (and running stories down the page) once a user has logged in? I can't seem to wrap my head around how...
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    last modified by mchinn
  • NukesFeatureRequests

    Nukes feature enhancement requests  Ability to create menu items within menublock module instead of JMX console How about a shopping module so Nukes could be used for ecommerce sites. jae77: tag to display a...
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    last modified by thorntond
  • GettingAndBuildingTheBbmailposterModule

    Getting and Building the bbmailposter Module  The bbmailposter module is currently available in CVS head and also currenlty requires a full get, compile, and deploy of Nukes. It relies on the Nukes core and the ...
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    last modified by thorntond
  • NukesBBMailPoster

    The bbmailposter module is a nukes service that will allow nukes members to post messages to the message forums by sending an e-mail.  If users set a watch on the forums, the message forums will work like a tradi...
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    last modified by thorntond
  • Nukes 2.0 Progress

    Anyone know the current status on Nukes 2.0? Thanks, Chad
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    last modified by clung
  • RunningNukes

    You have installed Nukes - now what?   Basics  SettingUpSite   Module Administration  NukesPermissionAdmin - Permissions NukesBBAdmin - BB/Forums NukesFAQAdmin - FAQ NukesNewsAdmin - New...
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    last modified by thorntond
  • Forum Module (bb) Search Doesn't Work

    I have downloaded the "Nukes_Branch_1_1" branch, and I was able to build and deploy everything successfully. However the search function on the forum modules doesn't work. All searches return without any results. Is ...
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    last modified by niel
  • Error in deploying nukes.ear

    Hi everyone, I have downloaded nukes-1.0.0-mysql. I have followed all steps for configuring mysql, jboss-3.2.3, and nukes from install.txt file in nukes installation directory. I have put nukes.ear into jboss/serve...
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    last modified by amitabh1036
  • How to use user defined CSS in nukes

    Hi, I have created one stylesheet. I want to use that css on my jsps through struts framework.. But when i am accessing it , nothing is getting displayed. But same jsp's run outside nukes css get accessible. any hel...
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    created by vebs
  • How To Restrict Users From Viewing Certain Items in Download

    I have a site with A LOT of groups, each wanting their own download view for their items. How can I either: -Restrict permissions to certain categories within the main downloads module screen. or -Add a downloads m...
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    created by mchinn
  • Curious: Looking for PostNuke Credits in JBossNuke

    I know this is a simple question but I've been looking and looking with no luck so thought I would ask. Does anyone know where I can find the credits files in the JBoss Nukes distribution? Thanks in advance
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    last modified by vworld
  • Installation of standalone 1.1 version

    Running into the following errors during startup. Could this be a configuration or a platform issue? 2004-10-25 14:05:40,313 WARN [org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc4.EmbeddedTomcatService] U nable to invoke setDelegate on clas...
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    last modified by o10526
  • NukesInTheWorks

    In the Works Support for an Oracle 9i database back-end.     We are looking to come out with Version 1.1 in August/September, which will contain an extended set of modules that can be used and a new instal...
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    last modified by mlavergn