• Concept of

    Is there a concept of perspectives (like in eclipse) in nukes? I think of changing the whole block arrangements and visibility dynamically in a module. The background is, I'm currently working on a shop module with ...
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    last modified by kamikatze
  • Translation to other languages & Templates

    Hello, I have done a lot of translation work into German and general localization work in some modules. Now I have question regarding templates: While localizing the download module, there are at last two menu entri...
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    last modified by innovate
  • Persistance of MBeans in Nukes

    I'm trying to understand why and when MBeans are persisted into the nuke_services and nuke_services_attributes tables. I already got, that JDBCPersistanceManager is the class to achieve that. The phenomenom I get is...
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    created by kamikatze
  • Problem in compile-ressources

    Hi! I've got weird behaviour of the build procedure. compile-ressources is corrupting files in my setup. I'm using the build.bat script so it should use the ant from tools, my jdk is 1.4.2_04 on win xp. Has anyone s...
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    created by kamikatze
  • Default encoding switched to UTF-8

    I have worked on that issue we had for a while. Basically when we change the response content type, at the same time the request content type must be changed to the same charset. Otherwise the textarea and textfield w...
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    last modified by julien1
  • Could anybody help me to understand the concept

    What does the javadoc really mean? "A module implements this interface when it needs to handle it before the operation is called on the target." What's the relationship between a Module (CoreModule, BlockModule) and...
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    last modified by cookman
  • HTML block

    Hi, I have a problem with a html block. Each time I restart the server, I have to enter the id of the file countaining the html code again. How can I do to avoid it? Thanks a lot for your help. Pour les franÃ...
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    last modified by syrio
  • Is it true that if company writes custom module it must be o

    Is it true that if company writes custom module it must be open source? I paid attention that the licece on nukes is GPL (and not LGPL as with the rest of JBoss)
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    last modified by first
  • JDBCPersistenceManager overrides jboss-service.xml

    Hi! The last couple of hours I nearly yielded to despair. I created a theme, which was correctly shown when I set it for a user. But I could not understand why it was not used when I set it as default theme in the jb...
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    created by kamikatze
  • Error in html module

    When I tried to load a file up using html module, it threw OutOfMemory exception. Can anyone help? Below is the stack trace: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- javax.servlet.S...
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    last modified by danvu
  • Nukes vs Other CMS

    Hello, Couple of questions regarding Nukes: 1. Nuke vs other Java CMS/Frameworks I would like to see a comparison with Apache Lenya, redhat or any other java based applications. 2. Nuke vs other open source php CMS...
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    created by tasos
  • template engine

    hi, is nuke using a template engine like webmacro, freemarker or velocity for its development? thanks!
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    created by webnative
  • New languages

    What i need to do to add new language to my Nukes? I need all interface translated. If it cann't be done without programming, that's ok, I have some programming expirience.
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    last modified by sania
  • Problems with displaying images

    Hello everyone, I have other problem with manage images... I upload a image using Manage Html and no problem, but after a image is not displaying because a error occurs: The image “http://localhost:8080/nukes/i...
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    last modified by anabela
  • bug with password

    Hi, I send this message to nukes developpers. I've notice that when you change your informations, the password must be at least 5 characters long but if you enter nothing (or if you forget to enter your password when...
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    last modified by syrio
  • Deploy a block

    Hi ! I have deployed my own block but when I restart JBoss I have to restart it in the module block. Could you tell me how to do to display my block by default? Thanks !!
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    last modified by sysuser1
  • Problem to add a file in nukes.ear

    Hi, I would to add a folder and files in nukes.ear (nukes-lib.jar\org\jboss\nukes\core\themes\myTheme\myFiles) but I can't. Someone can tell me why? Thanks a lot in advanced !
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    last modified by sysuser1
  • Upload file filename

    I have been able to get the file to upload but how do I get the filename of the file that was added in the form? I have tried to trace it but I can't seem to find the final class with getParameterAsFile() function in it.
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    created by thepriz
  • Problem in response when I update my image

    Hi, Now I can upload my image, store it in my database and display it in my theme (with url : http://myserver.com/nukes/index.html?module=displayImage&op=main&id=idImage) However, when I want to change my ima...
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    last modified by sysuser1
  • Display an image with a Blob

    Hi, I have an object Blob (it's an image) and I would display it in my theme. How I have to do? With or not? Thanks a lot for your help !!
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    last modified by sysuser1