• Ejb2.1 to EJB3 transaction propagation

    Hi All, is there one?   We have EJB3 which calls EJB2 which calls EJB3 and it seems there is no transaction propagation.         On fisrt EJB 3 call  I got entity A from Db an...
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    created by mrootman
  • Getting NotSerializableException for org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.BlobProxy while method returns a class containing Blob

    Hi,   I am saving an object of a class containing Blob to a database. This is an EJB 3.1 method which I am calling using a remote interface on JBoss7. It saves object data in db successfully. However while tryi...
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    created by veenaonnet
  • Strange problem with Entitymanager.remove()

    Hi guys,   I have a strange problem to delete entities in bulk mode from JSF managed CDI bean. If I trigger the delete method from an EJB than it's works as excpected.     This is my "Bulk" delete me...
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    created by suikast42
  • Exception thrown while @Timeout is invoked

    Hi All,   I have implemented a statlessBean with Timer service. The timer is getting created without any issue, but when the @Timeout method is getting invoked I am getting the below excetion:   ERROR [or...
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    last modified by arnosgh
  • Remote context / security

    Hello.   I would like to understand if it is possible to have a web tier be the remote EJB client and not have credentials in jboss-ejb-client.properites that expose security.  We are prototyping in AS 7.1....
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    created by sdwallace
  • Issue in injecting Spring bean into EJB3

    Have created one Remote StatelessSession Bean and want to inject Spring bean into my UserServiceImpl EJB.   @Stateless @Interceptors(SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor.class) public class UserServiceImpl implemen...
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    last modified by ashishmtiwari
  • Unable to catch RuntimeException in client EJB

    Hi,   I want to throw a runtime exception from my dao layer ,and catch it in service layer to parse the exception and show a meaningful message to user. But, when I do this , EJB wraps this exception with Roll...
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    last modified by bibhu
  • Bytecode transformation of an EJB results in a java.lang.VerifyError

    Hi,   I've previously posted on the Byteman forum in connection with not being able to use Byteman to transform an EJB. That post can be read here: https://community.jboss.org/thread/215034?tstart=0 The pull fo...
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    created by simonboggild
  • Calling an EJB from servlet

    Hi!   I successfully deployed a simple EJB 3.   Here is the code:   {code} package ejb;   import javax.ejb.Remote;   @Remote public interface HelloWorld {     public Str...
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    last modified by nautilusiii
  • dependency injection of remote ejbs--AS6.1

    I would like to inject an ejb running on one instance of AS6.1 into an ejb running on a separate instance of AS6.1.  Is it possible to use dependency injection of ejbs across servers of the same version or are yo...
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    last modified by goldberg.howard
  • Event Handling between two EJB-JARs (Observer Pattern?)

    Hi,   I'm new to EJB development and currently search for the best/correct way to handle events between two EJB-JARs which are in one EAR.   I tried to use the Observer Pattern. The event gets fired in Bea...
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    last modified by patsinnervoice
  • Injecting POJO object to ejb session bean

    Hi,. Is it possible to inject a normol pojo class object to my ejb 3 stateless session bean.   Thanks... Himansu
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  • How to Build a Generic Lookup which accepts the lookup bean dynamically in a method.

    Hi All, I have an issue such that in normal way we directly type cast the lookup class like this       TestClass t = (TestClass)context.lookup(some jndi name);   but this type cast should b...
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    last modified by arjun445
  • Persistence Unit within two JARs inside EAR

    According to specification it should be possible. I would like to have my entieties in two separate jars inside EAR but still within the same Persistence Unit. Is this possible with current jboss implementation to di...
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    last modified by luntain
  • Get a file from resources with an EJB

    Hello,   i have the following package structure within my EAR-File:   EAR ejb.jar jsf.warcss jsf WEB-INF resources lib   Now I want to access a file that is in the resources folder with an EJB. The E...
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    created by ameo
  • Remote EJB 3.1 in JBoss 6.1 - ejb-jar.xml changes remote to local

    Howdy Guys.   Just bumped into some really nasty problem.   I have my EJB 3.1 beans defined using annotations like:       @Remote     @Stateless     pub...
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    created by pedrokowalski
  • Suspend MDB message processing until @StartupBean has finished initialization

    Hi :-)   While migrating a JBoss 5 application to JBoss AS 7 (7.1.1.FINAL) I have a problem with a new JMS message driven EJB. Within message processing, some master data fields have to be checked. To enhance pe...
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    last modified by skowski
  • Why ApplicationException thrown from server-side interceptor is wrapped by JBoss AS/EJB container?

    Dear guys,     I defined an application exception and an Intercepter in server side:   import javax.ejb.ApplicationException; @ApplicationException(rollback=true) public class NotExistingSessionToke...
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    last modified by ybxiang.china
  • Intercept SessionSynchronization

    Hi,   I try to intercept the methods of javax.ejb.SessionSynchronization with a decorator. My decorator looks like that:   @Decoratorpublic abstract class EJBRollbackDecorator implements MyTestBean{  ...
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    created by moepad
  • In EJB, how to invoke server from client side.

    Hi,      I am new to EJB....    Is that possible to remotely invoke the ejb bean from another machine in ejb 2.1...                
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    last modified by astdayana