• i am testing remote ejb invocation from one AS7 to another AS7 instance running on different machine.we are getting below exception even after successful handshake between both servers

    [Server:server-two] 10:45:17,602 INFO  [org.jboss.ejb.client.remoting.RemotingConnectionEJBReceiver] (MSC service thread 1-4) Successful version handshake completed for receiver context EJBReceiverContext{clientC...
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    created by bibhunayak
  • How can I change the default ejb3 jndi name?

    How can I change the default ejb3 jndi name?I wanna override ear-name/ejb-name/remote pattern. I'd like to keep the ear's version in the file name. Example: customers-3.1.0.ear, but when I upgrade the ear I don't wan...
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    last modified by inacio-silva
  • JBoss 5.1 MDB connection pool and wmq.jmsra.rar creating and immediately destroy connections

    Hello!   I deployed a sample EJB3.0 application that contains only a one MDB which consumes msgs from Websphere MQ queue. I've installed the IBM RAR according to: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/libr...
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    created by laros
  • Invoking Webservice in JBoss EAP 6.1 throws ERROR

    Hi All,   We are using JDevloper for ADF Mobile Dev.   1) We have a sample EJB project which is deployed in JBoss EAP 6.1.  It has sayHello method in it. 2) From Http Analyzer of Jdev - ...
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    created by aruntech89
  • ejb injection problem

    Hi All,   I am trying to inject a locat stateless bean into another bean. Both beans are in different packages/jars.   Both the beans get deployed fine, but when i enable the injection of bean 1 in my bean...
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    created by sbutt
  • Two JBOSS 5.10 GA Remote Connection

    Hi have two jboss Applications Deployed in separate server i want to remotly connect to other application and Access other Application in server.but when i turn on both server i am getting this error when i turn on 2n...
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    created by harshith.hm
  • Porblem in Ejb3 using TimerService with @Singleton and @Management

    Hi All,   I am trying to understand an old code written by a colleague who has left the company now.   The problem is about calling a start() method, which should then initialize a timeerservice and furthe...
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    last modified by sbutt
  • @TransactionTimeout not working  in EJB 3

    Hi...   We will get  lakhs of requests to my jboss server. we are processing each request  avg response time below 2 seconds. but some of request are taking long time, means more than 5 minutes. we want...
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    last modified by rameshchokkapu
  • Ejbfinders for nested query for jboss

    Hi Friends,   Could you please help me on how to use nested query in ejb finders for EJB 2.0 for jboss 4.0.5 for the below ejb ? Please note I am migrating from weblogic 8.1 to jboss 4.0.5 and this below EJB cod...
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    last modified by rockeys
  • @annotation webservice not recognized for jboss

    Hi Friends,   I am trying to build the ear file it throws some exceptions like Lexical error: -----====xjavadoc.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 44, column 1.  Encountered: "@" (64), after : "" for some...
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    created by rockeys
  • SLSB "pool-available-count" attribute statistic beyond current size.

    Hi, Is the attribute "pool-available-count" supposed to be in the range between zero and "pool-current-size" ?   I am seeing values for this attribute above the current size value and that seems odd to me. Be...
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    created by whitingjr
  • Comparing a SLSB and it's web service endpoint statistics.

    Hi, I am running an JEE benchmark with EAP 6.2 and using a script to call the CLI. There are two scripts to dump out the stats on an EJB and it's endpoint.    Strangely the web service takes less time...
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    created by whitingjr
  • : Error compiling EJB-QL statement for EJB

    Hi Friends,   I am trying to deploy my application in JBOSS 4.0.5 server. but it throws the following exception. can any body please tell what the issue is this ?   Thanks in advance.   org.jboss.de...
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    created by rockeys
  • weblogic.appc compiler corresponding compiler in JBOSS 4.0.5

    Hi Friends,   Iam just new to Jboss. We are planning to migrate from weblogic 8.1 to Jboss 4.0.5. I am planning to deploy some of the client side classes. In weblogic it is weblogic.appc compiler is used. I am n...
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    last modified by rockeys
  • ejb lookup from an outside war

    I have a EJB JAR which deploys okay. I can see the following JNDI bindings on stdout -   [0m [0m17:27:00,205 INFO  [org.jboss.as.ejb3.deployment.processors.EjbJndiBindingsDeploymentUnitProcessor] (MSC servic...
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    last modified by bharath1234
  • Question on what gets returned by a JNDI lookup?

    I am trying to understand how a local JNDI lookup of an EJB gets implemented.   For example, if in my web application I perform an explicit lookup of a local EJB:   (MyInterface) initialContext.lookup(JND...
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    created by dazzer001
  • Beginner

    Hi, am new to ejb..am really confused because I dnt knw where to start from ..what is the function of the packages..i have looked for many tutorials but then..i really need step by step tutorial with explanation.. ...
  • MDB initialization from DB

    I need initialize MDB from Database(or some configuration file that not in .war). normally it takes configuration from jboss-ejb3.xml or annotations. I need change it default behavior.
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    last modified by lang
  • Svp comment installer JBoss sur eclipse ??

    Svp comment installer JBoss sur Eclipse ??
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    created by medhlel
  • Am trying to deploy an ear with rar, mdb and war but am getting an error related to dependencies?

    {"JBAS014653: Composite operation failed and was rolled back. Steps that failed:" => {"Operation step-2" => {"JBAS014771: Services with missing/unavailable dependencies" => [     "jboss.deploy...
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    created by sharvani