• How to inject data source in AS independent way?

    Hi, Our application uses a number of data sources. In all examples we have found data source injection in an EJB is done with the @Resource annotation and the 'mappedName' attribute, e.g.: @Resource(mappedName="jav...
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    last modified by japase
  • ManyToOne gives EntityNotFoundException

    My problem is that I get a EntityNotFoundException when I load a entity if the one side of a Many-to-one unidirectional doesn't exists in the database. Can someone please explain why. Obviosly I don't have a FK in t...
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    last modified by ingo77
  • EJB vs. POJO - Performance

    Hi,   I noticed during a profiling process of my application, that the method invocation on an injected POJO is much faster, than the same method invoked on an EJB.   A comparison of both call trees shows...
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    last modified by ralf.penners
  • I want to learn Enterprise JavaBeans(EJB) what is the JBoss AServer version I should download for EJB 3.1

    What is the JBoss Application Server version that comply with Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1 and How Do I find that out? I bought "Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1" by Andrew Rubinger and I want to use JBoss AS to run the examples ...
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    last modified by varuna
  • Brms persistance.xml loading in MDB

    Hi,      I am trying to trigger jbpm events from a jms queue.      I use EAP 6.1.0 with BRMS 5.3.1. deployable.        I created an "org.drools" modu...
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    created by dtalex
  • JBoss library conflit issue

    I try to integrate jasper report into my current web application. The current web application config is as below: JBoss 4.0.3, EJB 1.1, struts 1.1   As I can't upgrade the current web app's library, I can't i...
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    created by ericox
  • @Schedules and @Schedule incorrect next timout value

    Hello to everyone   I have noticed what may be a feature or may be a bug, but in the scenario of and ejb timer with a similar annotation   @Schedules({        @Schedule(hour&...
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    created by marcanthony
  • EJB Timer deployment

    Hello I'm using ejb timer for the first time and this is my code below.     import javax.ejb.Schedule; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.ejb.Timer;     @Stateless public class Schedule...
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    created by umariqbal
  • When I deploy my .ear deployment failed and got these errors am using jboss as 7, ant and ejb3. How can I solve these?

    "JBAS014671: Failed services" => {"jboss.deployment.subunit.\"eds-fares-direct-intg.ear\".\"mbean-monitor-ejb.jar\".POST_MODULE" => "org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.deployment.subunit.\"eds...
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    created by sharvani
  • No EJB Receiver Available to Handle

    Hi All, I am very new to EJB3 and jboss. Below is the environment I am using.   eclipse juno. jboss 7.1 EJB 3.0   Description :   I have made an EJB project in which I have a simple stateless bea...
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    created by dibyendudev
  • Deploy ejb project to JBOSS AS7.1.0 final  issue.

    Hi eveyone. I am new in JBOSS AS 7.1.0. recently, i try to create a EJB project named Myejb and do deployment on JBOSS AS7.1.0 final. The .jar file can be deployed successful as following logs:   8:06:48,580 IN...
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    last modified by clauslee
  • problem with jndi lookup  with ejb3

    <pre> Hi friends i am facing issues with  lookup  of  ejb3 stateless session bean  ,i attached the source for the same . my statelesssession bean is deployed successfully in jboss 7.1 an...
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    last modified by shsarma
  • entityManager.find() returns null

    I am using JBoss 4.0.4-GA with Oracle XE. I have two tables which have strings for their PK and the PK column is named the same as the table: CREATE TABLE CURRENCY ( CURRENCY CHAR(8 CHAR) NOT NULL, ... ) CREATE ...
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    last modified by tboswell
  • Passivated SFSB is not getting removed from memory in Jboss 4.2.3GA.

    Hi, Recently, we had a customer issue where our application was running OOM. Our application uses Jboss 4.2.3GA and JRE1.6 and is a 32-bit application. On debugging with the help of VisualVM, we noticed that several ...
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    created by yvp
  • @PersistenceContext not injecting EntityManager in SLSB

    I have an EAR file in which I have an EJB jar and a WAR file. The EJB jar defines a SLSB and contains persistence.xml. The SLSB is also a Seam component. The web app is Seam (2.3.1.Final) based application. In the web...
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    created by ronsi
  • Persistence Unit NOTYETINSTALLED

    I am trying to learn EJB3 on 4.0.4GA-Patch1, and am having trouble with my persistence unit. The whole application is packaged in an EAR, with the entity beans in one jar, the session beans in another jar, and the we...
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    last modified by ganton516
  • java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory$1 from class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory

    Hi, I integrated third party payment system in Oracle Apps Now I am working with integrating third party payment system in Oracle Apps R12.1.3 In that I used same API for authorization process but i got...
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    created by annaduraikarthik
  • Problema webservice RestFul che si collega a DB Postgres tramite datasource Jboss 7 con persistenza JPA2 - Maven

    Salve, sto facendo una piccola applicazione con webservice restful che al momento deve semplicemente collegarsi a un db utilizzando la gestione della persistenza JPA2. Ho creato un progetto maven. In src/main/java ...
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    created by pcg4m3s
  • Cycle in relation one-to-many

    Hi all!   I've a problem with relations one to many. In my EJB I used annotations @OneToMany and @ManyToOne for relation.   I used @XmlTransient but someone knows an alternative at this?
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    last modified by logandtr
  • JBoss 6.1.0.Final SFSB concurrency issue

    Hi,   I am trying to run a test to investigate a performace issue after upgrading from JBoss 4.0.5 to 6.1. For this I use a simple test application with a service which starts threads, each thread looks-up a SFS...
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    last modified by popoctavian