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Thread Proxy to a view doesn't implement methods
Proxy to a view doesn't implement methodsWith EJB 2.1, I had code in the web tier that gets instances of Sesion Beans by getting a reference to the home interface and calling create. The result of create is an instance of the bean and I can use Java instrosp...
Thread lookup for remote bean - failure (only from eclipse)
lookup for remote bean - failure (only from eclipse)Hi, My problem is that for some reason, the path to my remote bean is being duplicated by the InitialContext as you can see also in the exception: /my-app-ear-name/GeneralDao/my-app-ear-name/GeneralDao/remote It...
Thread Local Interface inherited by extending abstract class: canno
Local Interface inherited by extending abstract class: cannoHello, I just stumbled upon a strange behaviour regarding a stateless session bean. I'm using Jboss 4.0.5 GA, JDK 5.0 and have an enterprise application with a Stateless Session Bean structered like this: @Local
EJB java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/EntityManagerHello to all, I'm new to javaEE and JBoss AS and i'm trying to learn developing EJB applications but i have a problem i don't know how to solve. I use NetBeans 7.3 and JBoss AS 7.1.1. I have been created an EJB 3.1...
Test EJB3 using Junit 4 in Glassfish 3.1.1Hi, I am using Glassfisg 3.1.1 server and test EJB3 class using junit4. Below are the code written in setUp() in test class. Getting below exception: javax.ejb.EJBException: No EJBContainer provider availab...
Failed to create Resource DEPLOYMENTS MISSING DEPENDENCIESHi, I'm new in Jboss, I'm using Jboss6.0.0-final and running the standard server. I'm trying to deploy an EJB with a Session Bean Stateless and MDB, but i get the next error (I've worked in eclipse and the same versio...
Thread EJB EntityManager results in NullPointerException
EJB EntityManager results in NullPointerExceptionI have an error that I cannot logically understand. I am implementing RSS processing app. The logic is that user takes link of some RSS feed and adds to database. If the feed already exist in database, it takes the id...
Thread EJB3 is slow when invoke with new transaction
EJB3 is slow when invoke with new transactionHi, We have EJB(EJB3.0) application which is deployed on JBoss 5.0, we feel sometimes(when invoke with new transaction) EJB takes long time to return the data(data volume is always same) to invoker. @...
aplicatio test jndi ejb remotei tried to run my application but this error message appear i dont andesrtand where is the problemei used indi for jboss 7 i fix it manually i add the client.test jar and every thing could it be a prt probleme (loclah...
A question about the transaction?I created an MDB in my project.As follows: /** * Message-Driven Bean implementation class for: QueueListenerMDB */ @MessageDriven(activationConfig = { ...
JMS Queue and MDB dynamic runtime creationHello at all, I want to create JMS Queue and MDB to listen with dynamic runtime creation in the JBOSS application server and no at the starting of this server. In my case, i want to manage a new service dyna...
EJB 3.0 Project with 2.x entity beansHi to everyone, I have a quick question I hope someone can help me with, I have an EJB 3.0 project with 3.0 session beans and would like to deploy a few 2.x entity beans in the same project, is that possible? I am ru...
Thread JBoss 6, EJB and Web Application dependency
JBoss 6, EJB and Web Application dependencyHello team, I have 2 application on jboss 6 : 1. EJB application which has multiple ejb components and entity beans. 2. Web application which use GWT. I want to call ejb components from GWT Servlets. ...
Job manager/dispatcher patternHello In my app there are some long running tasks that can be started from web front-end. Admin should see progress of those tasks in the same front-end. What is the best approach to implement this? R...
Thread EJB 2.1 BMP with CMT and RequiresNew in JBoss AS 7.1.0 Final
EJB 2.1 BMP with CMT and RequiresNew in JBoss AS 7.1.0 FinalI have the folowing case where transactions lock up, and it was working OK in JBoss 3, 4 and 6. We have the Session Facade pattern where the SLSB calls the Entity Bean, both SLSBs and EntityBeans use RequiresN...
Thread Cant inject Bean class into Restfull WebService (JAX-RS)
Cant inject Bean class into Restfull WebService (JAX-RS)I'm trying to save data acquired by Rest web service to database using hibernate/persistence. In one of my web modules i implemented that service. Database ejb connector is placed in EJB module. They are parts of EAR...
@SecondaryTables in EJB 3.1I'm not up-to-date with EJB 3.1 spec, but is it possible now to make use of @SecondaryTables together with FK relations? Say I've got three tables, A, B, and C - each has their own PK. B has an FK relation to ...
Get ear nameHi, Is it possible from within a deployed (as an ear) ejb3 application to get the name of the ear file that the application is packaged in? Thanks in advance
Thread Access EJB from different WAR in JBoss AS via injection
Access EJB from different WAR in JBoss AS via injectionMy Project structure is as follows JBoss AS 7.1.3.Final-redhat-4 A war VWeb.war which contains an EJB , when VWeb is deployed I get the following java:global/VWeb/QServiceImpl!com.vi.qciapi.QService java:ap...
Thread How to load a MessageDriven bean after other EJBs
How to load a MessageDriven bean after other EJBsHi All, I'd like to load a MessageDrivenBean after loadig some other EJB. My question is : is there any way to manage the order of EJB loading ? I mean, could it possible to specifiy some kind of priority fo...