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Thread How does a @EJB dependency injection work on a Stateless Bean? Will that injected class behave like an instance variable in that stateless session bean?
How does a @EJB dependency injection work on a Stateless Bean? Will that injected class behave like an instance variable in that stateless session bean?
Ejb2.1 to EJB3 transaction propagationHi All, is there one? We have EJB3 which calls EJB2 which calls EJB3 and it seems there is no transaction propagation. On fisrt EJB 3 call I got entity A from Db an...
Thread Strange problem with Entitymanager.remove()
Strange problem with Entitymanager.remove()Hi guys, I have a strange problem to delete entities in bulk mode from JSF managed CDI bean. If I trigger the delete method from an EJB than it's works as excpected. This is my "Bulk" delete me...
Exception thrown while @Timeout is invokedHi All, I have implemented a statlessBean with Timer service. The timer is getting created without any issue, but when the @Timeout method is getting invoked I am getting the below excetion: ERROR [or...
Remote context / securityHello. I would like to understand if it is possible to have a web tier be the remote EJB client and not have credentials in jboss-ejb-client.properites that expose security. We are prototyping in AS 7.1....
Issue in injecting Spring bean into EJB3Have created one Remote StatelessSession Bean and want to inject Spring bean into my UserServiceImpl EJB. @Stateless @Interceptors(SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor.class) public class UserServiceImpl implemen...
Thread Unable to catch RuntimeException in client EJB
Unable to catch RuntimeException in client EJBHi, I want to throw a runtime exception from my dao layer ,and catch it in service layer to parse the exception and show a meaningful message to user. But, when I do this , EJB wraps this exception with Roll...
Thread Bytecode transformation of an EJB results in a java.lang.VerifyError
Bytecode transformation of an EJB results in a java.lang.VerifyErrorHi, I've previously posted on the Byteman forum in connection with not being able to use Byteman to transform an EJB. That post can be read here: https://community.jboss.org/thread/215034?tstart=0 The pull fo...
Article Can web project include jbossclient.jar for ejb remote call
Can web project include jbossclient.jar for ejb remote callHi, I met a problem when I call remote ejb interface in a war. 1. I create a EJB project, and have a remote interface, and deploy it to JBoss AS7.1.1 successfully 2. I create a dynamic web proj...
Calling an EJB from servletHi! I successfully deployed a simple EJB 3. Here is the code: {code} package ejb; import javax.ejb.Remote; @Remote public interface HelloWorld { public Str...
dependency injection of remote ejbs--AS6.1I would like to inject an ejb running on one instance of AS6.1 into an ejb running on a separate instance of AS6.1. Is it possible to use dependency injection of ejbs across servers of the same version or are yo...
Thread Event Handling between two EJB-JARs (Observer Pattern?)
Event Handling between two EJB-JARs (Observer Pattern?)Hi, I'm new to EJB development and currently search for the best/correct way to handle events between two EJB-JARs which are in one EAR. I tried to use the Observer Pattern. The event gets fired in Bea...
Thread Persistence Unit within two JARs inside EAR
Persistence Unit within two JARs inside EARAccording to specification it should be possible. I would like to have my entieties in two separate jars inside EAR but still within the same Persistence Unit. Is this possible with current jboss implementation to di...
Get a file from resources with an EJBHello, i have the following package structure within my EAR-File: EAR ejb.jar jsf.warcss jsf WEB-INF resources lib Now I want to access a file that is in the resources folder with an EJB. The E...