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Article How to configure EJB3 MDBs for IBM Websphere MQ
How to configure EJB3 MDBs for IBM Websphere MQYou do not need deployment descriptors for ejb3. The perferred method for configuring EJB3s would be with the annotations. This is how you would define your ejb3 bean with all of the properties.
Thread EntityManager inject in an EJB 2.1 Sesssion Bean
EntityManager inject in an EJB 2.1 Sesssion BeanI have an application that uses EJB 2.1 stateless sessions beans and JDBC. I would like to move the JDBC towards EJB 3 Entities so I won't have to manage the SQL, but because of time I cannot upgrade my sessions beans...
Thread Wildfly 10 CREATE is missing [jboss.ra.hornetq-ra]
Wildfly 10 CREATE is missing [jboss.ra.hornetq-ra]I'm in the process of moving an from Wildfly 9 to Wildfly 10. I've made several changes to move to org.apache.activemq however I'm getting these error which are causing the ear file to fail to deploy. CREATE is...
Thread EJB invoker for multiple server in a Domain
EJB invoker for multiple server in a DomainHi everybody, I am trying to invoke a remote ejb from another wildfly9.0.0.Final instance. For that, I use the example put in the following url : quickstart/ejb-multi-server at 9.x · wildfly/quickstart ...
Jboss eap 6.4 RejectedExecutionException issue.Hi, I am getting the Close handler threw an exception: java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException errors in JBOSS eap 6.4 and after some load I am getting OutOfMemory Error and server will go to limbo state afte...
Wildfly+Java developer position.Hello All My company BARCO Electronics is looking for a Wildfly+Java developer having around 6 years of experience. The position is for Noida, India location. If anybody has any referral, please send the upd...
Thread Documentation of <resource-ref> in jboss-ejb3.xml
Documentation of <resource-ref> in jboss-ejb3.xmlHi, I'm looking for a documentation of the <resource-ref> elemengt in the jboss-ejb3.xml deployment descriptor. The only documentation of the JBoss/WildFly specific deployment descriptor I found is https...
Thread EJB over HTTP with JMX Authentication in JBoss 4.2
EJB over HTTP with JMX Authentication in JBoss 4.2Actually i did authentication in JMX Invoker, the aunthentication has properly configured, verified in the browsers. but when calling from client, it could not connecthe server, might be authentication is not feed pro...
Thread Can I update JBoss eap 6.4 to use the HttpInvoker again?
Can I update JBoss eap 6.4 to use the HttpInvoker again?Is it possible to update the JBoss eap 6.4 server to use the http invoker with jndi as you could use it with the jboss 4.2.2.ga server? if yes: What I have to do to update? If no: What can I use instead of the htt...
Thread Jboos seam shows 404 on browser and dont any error logs in server
Jboos seam shows 404 on browser and dont any error logs in serverHi please help as i m new to jboss and jboss seam . I am running a project which create ear file which contains jar and war file but on browser it shows an 404 error and nothing on server logs. I m post...