• Caching anntations from MDR

    https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-1914 With EJBTHREE-1914 we introduced a CachingAnnotationRepository which will query MDR only once. This means that changing the meta data runtime doesn't work any more. T...
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    created by wolfc
  • HornetQ JCA Adapter question

    Guys, HornetQ has its own RA adapter for MDB's and we have a question regarding the spec and the ejb3 implementation you may be able to answer. This is regarding section 12.5.6 of the JCA spec. Originally we used O...
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    last modified by ataylor
  • "ssladvanced" Boot Errors

    Posting this for Anil to review the (probably outdated) configs. Error is: 20:22:02,471 ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Start: name=jboss.remoting:service=ServerSocketFactory,type=SecurityDomai...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • EJB3 + JPA + JBoss 5.1.0 GA

    Hello friends!!! I'm having a problem I run a client class of a bean. The error occurs when the call is made to a class method (as code below) I'm using JPA + EJB3 + JBoss 5.1.0 GA Would anyone tell me what ca...
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    last modified by petryk
  • JNDI names with a leading /

    I have a fix for https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-1884 in which, i now bind the remote ProxyFactory to the JNDI. A local testsuite run after this fix, has exposed a couple of other issues, one of which is i...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Quartz MDB integration and classloader issues

    There have been more than a couple of users now, having trouble with getting the Quartz integration with MDB running. Here are the 2 instances, for example: http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • EJB 3.1 requirements for Web Beans

    Hi guys, Whilst eventually, we will need to test Web Beans against the whole of EJB 3.1, there are a number of specific pieces of functionality the spec makes assertions about. Therefore we cannot pass the CDI/JSR-29...
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    last modified by pmuir
  • Remoting issue

    A thread in the Remoting user forum ("JBREM-877: New Socket Connection is being Created for Every" - http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=126382) has brought up an interesting issue concern...
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    last modified by ron_sigal
  • EJBTHREE-1823 - handling of res-type in resource-ref

    In https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-1823 a warning message was introduced if a "resource-ref" in ejb-jar.xml lacks the element "res-type". 19:56:41,171 WARN [ResourceHandler] EJBTHREE-1823 : <res-type&...
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    last modified by wolfgangknauf
  • Filtering non-EJB3 deployments in the EJB3 deployer

    Currently it's done like this public void deploy(VFSDeploymentUnit unit, JBossMetaData metaData) throws DeploymentException { try { // Pickup any deployment which doesn't have metaData or metaData with ejbVersion...
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    last modified by aloubyansky
  • Unique JNDI Names

    @see https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBPAPP-2124 I'm constructing a (supposedly) unique String from the same formula we use for JNDI Names: [earName-]ejbName But as this shows, error in deployment when 2 EJBs in...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • EJBTHREE-995

    https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-995 Gavin reports outstanding issues w/ SessionSynchronization. I've interpreted the issue description as: * SFSB bean implementation class implements SessionSynchronizati...
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    created by alrubinger
  • Cleaning up Logging

    I know we've discussed this before, but let's just get these on the table. I want to kill the following (to DEBUG): 12:53:39,374 WARN [StatelessBeanContext] EJBTHREE-1337: do not get WebServiceContext property from ...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • BeanContainer.getAnnotation returning the old value

      ant -f build-test.xml one-test -Dtest=security5 If you place the break point in BeanContainer->getAnnotation for method FirstBean->echo and the annotation "RolesAllowed", you will see that it returns a...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • EJBTHREE-1844: Retry on rollback

    I've added a function to retry an operation whenever an EJBTransactionRolledbackException occurs. Usually this is because of a resource commit failure, which could be caused by a temporary problem (dead lock / outage)...
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    last modified by wolfc
  • WARN message in InterceptorsFactory

    I was looking at https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-1841 and other similar user complaints about the following WARN log message on first access to a bean: 09:02:34,655 WARN [InterceptorsFactory] EJBTHREE-12...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Injecting into the Containers

    Are we still without a mechanism to inject into the Containers? Containers are installed into MC by way of Ejb3Deployment.registerEJBContainer > MCKernelAbstraction: AbstractBeanMetaData bean = new AbstractBeanM...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • Plugin now targets JBoss AS 5.1.0.GA

    With the release of JBoss AS 5.1.0.GA, the EJB3 plugin (1.0.9-SNAPSHOT) will now target AS 5.1.0.GA.
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Mandating the presence of local/remote interface in SessionC

    While testing the no-interface support, i found that the SessionContainer mandates the presence of either a local or a remote interface for beans: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Bean Class org.jboss.ejb3.no...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • EJB3 as ManagedObjects and attributes

    Hi, In the profile service, the individual session beans (other bean types too?) are exposed as managed objects below the ejb-jar as a ManagedDeployment. In the jmx-world, the EJB's attributes are exposed as in AS4 ...
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    last modified by pilhuhn