• [i18n] Translation of html attribute values does not work as expected

    Hi,   according to ERRAI-962 it is possible to translate html attributes with errai. I made a simple "proof of concept" repo after having troubles translating attributes in our main app. Check out: https://gith...
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    created by aofner
  • Errai4 on wildflyswarm?

    Hi all, Has anyone E4 on wildflyswarm? Can you use it instead if the full-blown wildfly 10 server?   Thanks.
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • GWT 2.8.0 support for 3.2.x branch?

    Hi Max & Christian,   do you plan a Errai 3.2.x release with GWT 2.8.0 support or do we have to migrate existing apps to Errai 4?   Regards, Andreas
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    last modified by aofner
  • Page navigation error - Errai 4.0.0-snapshot

    Hi all, Not sure why I started getting this errors - they seem pretty random and happen when I switch pages from the navigation menu. I dont think i saw them 2-3 month ago with the 4.0 shapshots back then.   &...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Sharing transactions between differents call (Batchcaller)

    Hello  errai community,   I would like , during an action , to make different calls that share the same transaction.   After some research, I found batchcaller. I thought it's allowed to group sever...
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    last modified by zakaria59
  • Build Android APK

    I have a question about Errai Cordova, I am trying to build an APK but mvn package is looking for a www/config.xml file (even on the GitHub - errai/errai-tutorial: Errai tutorial project) the problem is that it does n...
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    created by xybrek
  • Errai and Polymer

    In case anyone is interested I was able to utilize the Vaadin Polymer GWT 2.8 JSInterop classes with Errai templates. Additionally I was able to use the Vaadin Polymer gwt-api-generator to generate JSInterop classes f...
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    last modified by aanderson1776
  • Errai 4 Widget onLoad alternative

    With the GWT steering committee's announcement that widgets will be removed or deprecated in GWT 3.0 I have begun investigating how I can refactor my application to accommodate for this in GWT 2.8 and Errai 4.0. I exa...
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    last modified by aanderson1776
  • Elemental2 vs E4 dom wrappers

    Google made available the first release of 'Elemental 2' in the gwt contributors group. This is JsInterop library generated from the Chrome Dom definitions, I think. Therefore, the Elemental Dom wrappers supersede the...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Interceptor for batchcaller

    Hello,   There is few documentation about batch caller and I'd like to know if it's possible to have an interceptor for it.   The idea is to manually begin a transaction, run batch (each proxies call are c...
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    last modified by jimmy.pannier
  • Started getting some errors with the latest Errai 4

    Any clue?     Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.w3c.dom.ElementTraversal         at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:381)   ...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Question about Errai 4 jar files

    Max, Do you know which of the below jar files does not belong in the WAR bundle? I tried to weed out all GWT specific jars that have no purpose at run time, still ...       86500  2016-06-22...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Need help on how linkers/generators in Errai 4 work

    Hi Max, I bump into a strange issue with a Gradle GWT plug-in. I suspect the issue is with the plug-in itself, but it might be related to how Errai linkers/generators work. Please drop a comment under the issue here ...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Recent Errai 4 changes to org.jboss.errai.ui.nav.client.local.TransitionTo?

    Did something change in Errai 4 lately regarding org.jboss.errai.ui.nav.client.local.TransitionTo or is this something else? Started getting some errors with the latest Errai 4 builds...   ======================...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • New Errai artifacts?

    Max, I noticed some commits for new artifact: errai-api.jar ?
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • [Errai 4] Out o fMemory

    Hi, an upgraded project to Errai 4 fails with this stack trace:   [INFO] Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded [INFO]     at java.util.LinkedList.linkLast(LinkedL...
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    last modified by jmbarone
  • [Errai 4]Errors and warnings from generated java code

    Hi, I am seeing some strange warnings and errors when compiling Errai code. See the attached output. It appears the code generation does not generate perfect code and javac complains with warnings. There are even er...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • "errai-setup" command fails to run in Forge

    Hi   I'm newbie in Forge and Errai. I'm trying to create a demo project as specified in Errai documentation using Forge addon. When I try to run the "errai-setup" command, it fails with following exception: ...
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    last modified by moghaddam
  • Multiple simultaneous instances of @Dependent classes

    Hello, FOB I'm using Errai 3.2.0.Final with Jboss AS 7.1.1   Now my question. I've always seen that Errai creates a new instance of the widgets that are annotated with @Dependent scope each time the user visit...
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    last modified by vwjugow
  • Data binding for element attributes?

    Ho can one bind into the data attributes of an element? Here is a real life example from Stripe.Com API.   <script    src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js"    class="stripe-but...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov