• How to get hold of sessionId using Errai-bus

    Hi,   I'm building an app using errai-bus with authentication to a database and want to verify further communication with sessionId. How can I get hold of the sessionId in a callback-method at the server.  ...
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    last modified by stab
  • Modularized Errai Project

    Hi folks,   I'm trying to create a maven project with Errai. The project is modularized and its on the structure below:   --app-project (main project with all dependencies)     --app-server...
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    last modified by pabloparada
  • Decorator Class Not Found

    When I try to build my Errai + Maven project I got the following error:     Compiling module com.worm.wee.ui.WeeApp    Scanning for additional dependencies: jar:file:/C:/Users/Pablo/.m2/repositor...
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    last modified by pabloparada
  • Deploying web-app using Errai, need help

    Hi,   Managed to make a small chat-app using Errai. It runs nicely in hosted mode but when I try to deploy it to JBoss AS 7 I can't enable it.   I thought it would be enough to install JBoss AS 7 and ...
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    last modified by stab
  • Question on broadcasting messages

    Hi,   To test errai I used the quickstart guide with archetype:   mvn archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.jboss.errai.archetypes \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=bus-quickstart \ -DarchetypeVersion=1...
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    last modified by stab
  • Need help on making my first errai app

    Hi,     Newbie in Errai and Maven and quite new in java too(former Delphi developer).   I'm using eclipse helios on windows xp and downloaded errai-cdi-1.3.0.CR1.zip   Tried to follow the instrc...
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    last modified by stab
  • Deserialisation

    I'm trying to get errai up and running on an jboss as 7 environment with use of CDI,EJB's and JPA. My dependency list <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.jboss.spec</groupId> ...
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    last modified by koekj
  • Errai and Spring Security?

    Are there any issues using Errai and Spring Security? I'm currently trying to add Spring Security to a GWT/GXT/Errai webapp, but I'm having problems accessing the SecurityContext (specifically user authentication wh...
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    created by pottingshed
  • Is the Errai Bus a reliable service (is msg delivery guaranteed)?

    If a message is sent on the Errai Bus by the server, and a client has registered its interest for that message type, are there any guarantees about the message being delivered to that client?  i.e. What if a netw...
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    last modified by joeb
  • Problems with Eclipse & Errai projects

    On June 18, 2009, one user (svanhook) of Google Groups wrote: I converted my eclipse GWT project to a maven built project. Eclipse is now giving me three errors: "TestProject does not have any App Engine SDK's on...
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    created by snoa
  • Mi 1st example & mi 1st error...

    From some days ago I was trying to make an errai application from scratch, I'm working with version 1.1-Final and Eclipse Helios (including Maven and GWT pluggins) but when I generate the archetype like this:   ...
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    created by snoa
  • Complete guide to run an Errai application

    For some weeks I had read about the steps to run an errai application and finally I found the article posted at: http://community.jboss.org/wiki/WorkingwithGWTCDIandErrai, after I read all that quickly I do everythin...
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    created by snoa
  • The two-HTTP-connection limit

    I'm implementing a GWT application in which I need both client-initiated RPC requests to the server as well as server-initiated notifications to the clients.  Because I'm wary of the "two-HTTP-connection limit", ...
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    created by joeb
  • Errai Bus and GXT Flash Charts

    I am using GXT Flash charts in my project and was looking at Errai for server side push of data to the client.   Everything works fine with GXT/Flash and Errai on Firefox but on IE8 the flash charts dont show up...
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    last modified by norirravi
  • There is no queue associated with this session Logs

    I am using Errai for Messaging in my JBoss App. Its working perfectly fine . But I noticed my server seems to be flooded with these  messages . "There is no queue associated with this session" . It is from the De...
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    created by s4smart
  • Errai Client Unsubscribe

    I have this problem ,  where I am able to send and receive messages ,But when My Server is shut down I get the error  on the client Window Error Delivering message into Bus .  How do i call client U...
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    last modified by s4smart